Stories from Kamran Asdar Ali
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Populism and its discontents
Populism revolves around charismatic figure and has historically given rise to authoritarian undemocratic structures
Learning from labour
Demands of striking public employees and of urban poor are not different from those of workers during the 1972 strike.
Of communists, couriers and covert actions
Ayub Khan understood the ambiguity of Pak-US relationship when he chose the title of his memoir, Friends not Masters.
Remembering an erased past — 1971
An apology by the Pakistani state to the people of Bangladesh may finally start a healing process.
Free and fearless in Cairo
Let us salute the brave people of Egypt and join them in their struggle for social justice and dignity.
Pakistan and the Berlin of 1919
There is an urgent need to act, otherwise Pakistan’s fate could be similar to that of the Weimar Republic.