Stories from Amina Jilani
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Shirking truth, fact and responsibility
A heavy price is being paid by Pakistan on account of cowardice and the shirking of doing what is right and just.
When desire shall fail
No, George, this is no country for young children, this is no country in which to bring up and school your son.
No perceptive change
An element of fear has crept into speaking out and caution is the order of the day.
Bankruptcy of the moral kind
Mad mullah leader Hafiz Saeed called for a nuclear jihad against India. He can get away with it; no one can stop him.
A mini-break of sorts
Karachi Literature Festival was a happy change from the flow of fashion shows that keep ‘tout Karachi’ entertained.
The steady expansion of intolerance
Ably supported by politicians of all hues, the religious right has now claimed the streets as their own.
Belated anguish
The ghairat lot, those that talk endlessly about non-existent things like sovereignty, integrity, have forgotten much.
Cowering in the face of extremism
The few who do not support murder garbed in reasons religious, do their best under threatening circumstances.
Moral collapse
most iniquitous fact pertaining to section 295-C of blasphemy laws is that it is an incitement to murder.
What a bloody mess
Amidst a gutless government, Salmaan Taseer at least had the courage of his convictions.