Stories from Rafay Mahmood
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Cricket anthems — hitting an all-time low
The quality of music was highly disappointing this World T20.
Raagni: Powerful yet timid
With only three characters on stage, the performance lacked the impact it aimed to project.
Queen: captivating but clichéd
Reintroducing Ranaut as a competent leading lady, the script is tailored in line with her quirky personality.
Raddi Bazaar: On the importance of life and living
Sanatanu Bose’s play explores the extraordinary within the ordinary to deliver a powerful impact.
Musicians: Surreal beginnings
Music forms a counter-culture against extremism at the Lahooti Music Aashram.
Eksod: Ahead of its time for Pakistani audiences
German Birdgel Joka succeeded in visually transforming the stage into an asylum of his thoughts via a dance theatre.
Blah n Blah: Ambitious but blah
With identity and emptiness as its central themes, Blah n Blah was an ambitious dance drama that failed to impress.
Napa Theatre Festival 2014: Going to the dogs
A raw narrative on the woes of the common man in Pakistan .
Prison production: All the world’s a stage, literally
Karachi will witness its first-ever ‘prison production’ – a play by inmates of Central Jail.
Napa Theatre Festival 2014: Rang De Basanti Chola
Ajoka’s theatrically engaging tribute to Bhagat Singh.