Blogs from New York Times
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What Donald Trump gets wrong about North Korea
There is no evidence that Mr Trump understands how to use a meeting with Mr Kim to advance American interests.
After ‘The Biggest Loser,’ their bodies fought to regain weight
The results, the researchers said, were stunning. They showed just how hard the body fights back against weight loss.
Stop saying ‘I feel like’
The phrase says a great deal about our muddled ideas about reason, emotion and argument.
If not Trump, what?
The Trump phenomenon and the rise of Bernie Sanders has reminded us how much pain there is in this country.
Egypt’s Hollowed-Out Society
We have been targeted because our groups provide critical resources to those facing human rights abuses in Egypt.
Targeting beyond China: They took my family into custody to intimidate me
Since Mr Xi took the helm in 2012, the authorities have imprisoned dozens of journalists to consolidate power.
A Syrian refugee’s message to the European Union
In our home country we refused to be separated. Will we have to part ways in this foreign land?
I love the UN, but it is failing
The system is a black hole into which disappear countless tax dollars and human aspirations, never to be seen again.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s despotic zeal: Shameful day for free press in Turkey
This may be the last article I write as the Editor-in-Chief of Today’s Zaman.
Agony and starvation in the Syrian war
What is needed, and has long been needed, is an immediate end to the civil war.