Stories from Khalid Zaheer
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Magic and superstition: An Islamic perspective
True Islamic understanding would encourage scientific enquiry and put no restrictions on its pursuit.
Is the west Darul-Harb for Muslims?
The world can never be a peaceful place so long as this ideology continues to influence devoted believers.
The Quran does not preach hatred
No human can kill another human. It is a huge sin. Only God can kill.
Marriage: A call for moderation
Snobbishness and extravagance very often find expression in marriage ceremonies, especially of those who are affluent.
Has faith caused more harm than good?
Religion, in its pure form, is God’s response to the yearning for guidance man is born with.
The real blasphemers
If the Quran does not sanction specific punishment for blasphemy, why are Muslims demanding death for blasphemy?