Unrequited love can be a fascinating subject to explore but it needs deft handling – which this film fails to deliver.
If Amitabh Bachchan is saying something, many are likely to believe that there probably is some substance to it.
Britain must ensure that the interests of its aspiring classes are not sacrificed at the altar of elite snobbery.
The French do not owe it to anybody to embrace unfettered multicultural or accept values that are alien to them.
The 2016 election is the last opportunity for working class white males to reassert their dominance.
The state is unwilling to exercise its power to protect, and bullies keep bullying without worrying about consequences
A 21-year-old, in India, was gang raped again by the same five men who had raped her three years ago.
The US needs to practice what it preaches to the rest of the world and provide a safe environment to all its citizens.
Eid occupies a special place in India where it's enjoyed in its glory. And why not? It's a celebration of humanity.
“He was looking at those apps. His dad saw him. He said he hated it. He was about to get caught, and couldn’t cope.”