Blogs from Noor Us Sabah Tauqeer
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House of Cards season 5 is drunk on the Underwoods and it’s time to go home
Writers won't yield to a HoC without the ultimate supremacy of the Underwoods, and that’s where everything goes wrong.
Sahir Lodhi needs to sit for his Pakistan Studies exam again, for Saba’s words were not hers at all
Come, O Quaid, and take a look at your Pakistan where hooliganism on live TV is encouraged and expected to be lauded.
Fundamentalism: When a woman has to prove her ‘purity’ by balancing a rock on her head
How free and independent are women and children on both sides of the border – and whose job is it to keep them safe?
No, Katie Hopkins, Pakistani men are not inherently evil
Hopkins is anything but wrong in being suspicious of these third rate big-nosed, bearded, brown Pakistani men.
Reyhaneh Jabbari lives on - even today
A letter that, in the words of the author, Reyhaneh Jabbari would have said today.
Is ‘Annabelle’ a copy-cat?
I understand that “before The Conjuring there was Annabelle” but down to the music too? Really?
Dear Iran, self-defense is not murder
If Reyhaneh Jabbari is executed because she defended herself against rape, Muharram will come early this year.
This Eid, there was no spirit of sacrifice for me
“No sir. Eidul Azha is all about buying cows and barbeque, just like Eidul Fitr is about Eidi and sheer khurma,”