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  • Violent election rallies

    Clash erupted outside MQM-P office when PPP rally passed through area

  • Cablegate conviction

    One more former Prime Minister has been sentenced “for being anti-state”.

  • Resetting ties with Iran

    Fact that this reverting back to congeniality has taken place within the minimum timeframe is laudable

  • Election promises

    All three documents lacked details, others are downright unworkable within current economic, political circumstances

  • Tourism glory

    115% surge in foreign tourist arrivals, anticipating international receipts to reach $1.3 billion by tend of 2023

  • Absolute destruction

    Consequences of Israel’s relentless systematic bombardment are not confined to human suffering alone

  • Children at work

    Survey for K-P in 2022-23 reveals that 922,314 children are engaged in work constituting 11.1% of population

  • Mishandling tourists

    Recent incident of international tourists by police raises serious concerns about conduct of law enforcement

  • Battling tuberculosis

    Pakistan recently unveiled its National TB Strategic Plan 2024-26, marking pivotal moment in nation’s fight

  • Countering child marriage

    Despite presence of laws prohibiting the practice, child marriages continue at an alarming rate across country