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  • Sporting setbacks

    Pakistan faces series of challenges; demands thoughtful work to lay groundwork for future successes

  • RAW’s reign of terror

    RAW was quite passive in West until Modi regime gave it “confidence” to be “proactive”

  • Cutting losses

    Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC) seized with gigantic task of pulling economy back to hooks

  • 10 Teams, one Cup

    10 Teams, one Cup

  • Gloomy GDP estimate

    Pakistan’s economy is still not in a position to absorb significant domestic or external shocks

  • Afghans in shadows

    Remnants of the Afghan influx are in need of being dealt with in a careful manner

  • ‘Reimagining Pakistan’ party?

    Shahid Khaqan Abbasi and Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar and Miftah Ismail are flirting with idea of a new political party

  • Curb smuggling

    Recent efforts of government clamping down on hoarders and black-marketers show results

  • Successful crackdown

    Recent crackdown on electricity theft in Pakistan is a commendable effort to address a pervasive issue

  • A very violent year

    Upsurge in terrorist attacks has made this the deadliest year for security forces since Operation Zarb-e-Azb