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  • SBP growth forecast

    International analysts have pegged growth estimates at around 2%, a very low figure for a developing country

  • Terror backlash

    Growing unrest in settled areas or bordering zones establishes that a new proactive policy is needed

  • Sethi in, Raja out

    Pakistan cricket has been caught in a fragility trap and only genuine grassroots development will help talent prevail

  • $8b hole in relief target

    International donors have only provided half of the $16.3 billion Pakistan estimates would be needed for flood relief

  • Punjab puzzle

    The fate of not only the Punjab Assembly hangs in balance but also the chief ministership of Pervez Elahi

  • Whitewash at home

    Time to come to the dissection table and look for the flaws in minute details

  • Depleting flood funds

    The situation should urge Pakistani officials to approach all possible forums – domestic and international

  • Triumph of resolve

    The capacity of the anti-terror decorum as well as the local police and paramilitary must stand a scrutiny

  • Skyrocketing gold

    The price of gold has surged to an all-time high due to the precarious economic situation of the country

  • Take them out

    The denominator should be to exterminate the militants at any cost.