Military establishment, policymakers believe US was ‘bogged down', doesn't know how to take war to logical...
US president under pressure to show progress in the increasingly unpopular nine-year-old war.
The Americans have gradually become vilified as allies that violated the sovereignty of the country they were to help.
Militancy in the northwest has sharply increased the number of people with disabilities over the years.
Extortion is a key source of ‘income’ for the insurgents on both sides of the border.
A country by country overview of major revelations made by WikiLeaks.
Taliban say they have nothing to do with the peace plan of President Hamid Karzai.
Pakistan has an important place in Russia’s foreign policy, being one of the major influential Muslim countries.
Karim Khan sent a $500 million claim for damages to US defense secretary.
Pakistan’s ‘strategic location’ is strategic only if it returns to being the centre of commercial activity.
Obama must heed Horace who wrote: “Force, if unassisted by judgment, collapses through its own mass.”
Representatives from both country’s chambers of commerce and industry meet.
Domestic problems are multiplying in the US. The government favours the elite and ignores the common folk.
Deal with Kabul to ease Nato's reliance on the Pakistan route.
One thing that can never be an effective solution itself is more war in Afghanistan.
Pakistan and Iran must both look to a regionally guaranteed stability as the occupation in Afghanistan ends.
India’s efforts to shape the outcome in Afghanistan will be important evidence that it has what it takes to be a...
Contrary to some Pakistani views, India’s ties to Afghanistan are not new.
Should Obama visit Pakistan? He is a sensible man. Which is why he would never undertake a trip that makes no sense.
Will the US soften in front of the new ‘serried ranks’ of policy in Pakistan?
That perceptions are more important than reality, is a rather disturbing notion.
Obama’s Wars reveals no one in the current US administration seems to have a handle on what Pakistan is thinking.
The upcoming Pakistan-US strategic dialogue must address divergent perceptions, imperatives and compulsions.
White House assessment report voices criticism of Pak govt and army for not taking action against al Qaeda.
Obama tells lawmakers no current changes needed as US forces escalate operations against the Taliban and al Qaeda.
The govt should engage tribal insurgents in talks and bring them into the mainstream in order to isolate the jihadists
Over 95,0000 Afghan refugees have been repatriated since April this year under the VRP.
There are regular American soldiers in Pakistan; they ensure compliance under threat of overt occupation.
Everyone has jumped to the defence of the country's premier intelligence agency, the ISI.
Wikileaks reports reveal little that was not already known.
LeT has spread its tentacles to Afghanistan and the West and has become more active claims Admiral Mullen.
Jere Van Dyk drew a surprising conclusion: the die-hard Taliban insurgency might not be the real enemy.
Despite large Pashto-speaking population in Pakistan, the most promising market for Pashto singers is in Afghanistan.
Public statements made by US President Barack Obama on Pakistan need to be evaluated.