Franchise’s third installment is its best but gets caught in the twisted mechanics of its own fantasy world
Now that the audiences have had a taste of 'The Donkey King', the trailer looks more like a naive attempt at...
Only the cast and music score of the teaser seems to impress
Main characters appear far too hollow to be considered as children’s idols
The Express Tribune sat down with Obaid-Chinoy, Mustafa and Gillani to discuss the future of animation in Pakistan
Film scheduled to hit theatres on December 15, 2016
3 Bahadur created a sense of ownership in the Pakistani children, says Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy
Music producer Shiraz Uppal says time for releasing singles is long gone
The sequel will include voice-overs from Ahmed Ali Butt, Ali Gul Pir, Sarwat Gilani and Fahad Mustafa, among others