According to an official of the Chitral Scouts, the militants came from the Nuristan province of Afghanistan. The official had rushed to the site and chased the militants up to the border following the incursion.
The official said that the militants attacked the Dobazha pastures in the morning and took away around 700 goats with them. “They also kidnapped a shepherd identified as Abd Khun, a resident of Kara Kaarh area of Bamboret in Kalash, for showing resistance,” the official said.
He added that before the arrival of the scouts, the residents of the area also followed the militants in efforts to release the herds and the shepherd, but the residents said that the militants had crossed the border immediately and had also killed at least 20 goats.
The residents expressed concern over the continuous border incursions of militants into the Garmai pastures of Bamboret, the stealing of their herds and kidnappings of shepherds. They demanded the security forces in Chitral to stop living in plains and move into their check posts in the mountains to guard the borders.
According to a local, the armed residents of Bamboret who chased after the militants had crossed the border into Afghanistan and had successfully taken back their goats and the shepherds.
Pakistani security officials say that militants from banned outfits, who have found a safe haven in Afghanistan, have sporadically carried out attacks on the security forces in Pakistan.
Pakistani government officials have repeatedly urged the Afghan government to stop the cross border attacks and take action against the militant factions who are constantly targeting security forces and civilians, but the Afghan government denied the incursions and instead blamed Pakistan for violating its border.
Both the countries claim that they would work on these issues and would put pressure on the enemy that operates along the border to put an end to the incursions.
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they kill the shepherd name abad khan very badly
they also kill the shepherd very badly
why did they do this to pakistan? after all they are good taliban
@True Muslim Paki: Well we know what's next. Taliban Goats. These goats where taken in the middle of the night. They are going to be indoctrinated in extremist teachings of war and senseless death. Pretty soon we're gonna have suicide bomber goats. When will it end. I remember the innocence our goats once had. All that is but a dream now.
@JS: You gotta draw the line somewhere. If Pakistan decides that their goats is crossing that line. Thank God. I have a feeling tho Pakistan feels that the goats might be an "expendable asset" to retain "strategic assets." lol.
Where were our valiant forces when these beats entered Kalash Valley??? SLEEPING???
They may steal our pride, decency, morals, children, minds, and the foundations of this country....BUT THEY MAY NEVER STEAL OUR GOATS!!!!!!!
Seems to be some satirical article by Nadeem Paracha :-P
How kaarim knows the geneology of goats..unless he is taliban. It is a shame on their part. Entering in Kalash valley is a threat to that age old culture. Let us defend them.
why did they do this to pakistan? after all they are good taliban
@Uzair: well, they have already sighted the eidul qurban moon,so advanced.
All the signs of a terminally sick nation are in place. Disgusting to see minorities targeted and the authorities doing nothing about it.
The goats shown in the picture belong to some bakra farm in punjab. The mountain goats of Chitral are smaller and never white.
First of all look the photos of goats, such nice lovely animal, theses militants must be admirer of them, then stealing is allowed in this special kind of Jihad? Or thiefs are pretending to be militants? Like some terrorist are claiming to be Taliban? Hiding is common in these days behind the good cause like IK is behind hospital.
Actually the poor guys were just lonely in their caves
ET is making fun by posting pictures of goats with beards. That's cheap!
The actual target was the Shepard - poor animals have been used as scapegoats!
These goats must have been traveling pretty fast while the brave army were chasing them...
So much for the "Holy war". They are common thieves and thugs..
iam from chitral wow these afghans should be admitted to mental asylum.
hahahaha - Its not Eid-ul-Adha dear Afghan militants =D
The militants need some sort of companion. Be it Shepherd or poor goats.
Well, they needed them for Eid feasts!!!
@hamid "a very dangerous sign developing on the eastern border" Don't you even know which side is east and which is west? OK, let me help you, the direction you do your namaz is west. Now, do you understand?
What a shame, why kill innocent goats.
Guerillas get their feed. Easy target.
@sam: Please do. It would speed the clean up of Pakistan a great deal. But, I wouldn't recommend it if you're one of the ones complaining about drone casualties.
Its high time that Pak Afghan border should be properly secured like India secured its border with Pakistan. Pakistan government is good for nothing.
They need to start eating vegetables and dal more so they can depend less on meat.I also urge USA to make boms in goat shape and hide camera in them so thieves can be persecuted in Pakistani courts
So the food crises have finally arrived for these semi-assets of Pakistan ! What happened, did Army & Gop forget to send them their monthly provisions ? If so, this is a bad sign, as the non existant Law & Order of the State will be under further pressure on regular frequency from these elements too !
Ah infidel goats saw their end! These afghans and TTP are on a mission to purify the world
Till now Pakistan have advised afghanistan and US to control the border and instead of blaming pakistan they should control the border and dont allow the militants to cross the border from pakistan to Afghanistan. However, how pakistan now demands US and Afghanistan to prevent these elements from crossing the border from Afghanistan to Pakistan. Now my advice for pakistan is not to blame Afghanistan but to tight its border itself and dont allow these militants to cross to pakistan.
Apparently stealing is halaal if it has been sanctioned by a one-eyed monster from Quetta Shura!
First biraadar @majorlyprofound went missing from Twitter, now this. There is definitely a connection. That might have been a rescue mission.
i guess they were on their pre-eid excursion
the goats they killed were labelled too liberal because they were walking around naked
For how long are we going to tolerate this nonsense???
Please don't blame the Afghans. They were just playing their game "BUZKASHI" .....Afghan game of goats.
Please Mine the whole afghan/Pakistan border. We should have no contact withAfghanistan what so ever.
Were those goats infidels??
no mercy for goats anywhere, helpless animals
a very dangeorus sign developing on th eastern border...increment and training of Security forces is urgently needed for the continuous incursion..it will get worst after the withdrawl of american forces in afghanistan. Armed forces of pakistan must make a deterrent startegic plan.
Jihad against goats now? What sort of Islam are these people practising? will murdering animals get these jihadis into paradise?
Capital idea by the militants - relieve both their hunger and their loneliness.