Calling Pakistan the “Benedict Arnold” of nations, Representative Ted Poe complained about the level of Islamabad’s cooperation in the fight against terrorism, the report said. It added that the members of the Congress were particularly angry with Pakistan’s conviction of Dr Shakil Afridi, who conducted a fake polio vaccination in order to help CIA track down al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad.
“Pakistan doesn’t deserve the American money,” Poe was quoted as saying.
According to a report by Politico, Poe had first demanded a $1.3 billion cut from Pakistan’s military aid and had initially won the endorsement of Representative Bill Young, but later a cut of $650 million was settled upon.
The Politico report also quoted Poe as saying that Pakistan is “playing” America.
The unsteady relations between Pakistan and the US were coming back on track when Pakistan reopened the Nato supply routes in return for an apology offered by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. But this cut in aid may harm the ongoing efforts between the two countries to maintain a balanced relation.
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As you wish our worldly master.Please cut all the aid and let us to stand on our own feet to get real self-reliance,honor,grace,dignity,pride and sovereignty..........
@usmanx: "gp65, are you surprised — didn’t think superpower india has taken more aid? do your own homework. OEDC database is available query pak and india and sum up the values….
do a search on OEDC on a thing called http://www.google.com"
This just tells me that you have no link to back up the wild number you came up with. You also did not answer me what your definition of 'aid' was.
@kaalchakra: If Pakistani is ready to lead------------------------.You are truly delusional and drunk on Kool Aid,never thought Kool Aid is intoxcating drink.Now I know.
gp65, are you surprised -- didn't think superpower india has taken more aid? do your own homework. OEDC database is available query pak and india and sum up the values....
do a search on OEDC on a thing called www.google.com
A penny in aid to Pakistan is an additional penny in its nuclear programme +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
@Pollack: "A rich country which has 20 hour power cuts." +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thats cause electricity is unislamic.
@usmanx: "Vikas, Caution and the rest.. India has taken 160 billion dollars in aid. a 100 more than pakistan. source OECD."
Sorry when you say the source is OECD, can you please provide a url for these interesting numbers? Also how do you define aid? Any loan from a development institution? A soft loan? A grant that does not have to be repaid? Would appreciate some additional information. Thank you.
With the decreasing level of co-operation by the Government this was expected.
Another cut may be inevitable if the co-operation is not up to the level of expectation of International Community from a front line partner in the war against terror.
@kaalchakra: In 65 years, Pakistan has not been able to stand on its feet, how long do you think before it happens? A symbolic unity will be seen in society as long as Pakistan remains standing but when it starts showing signs of disintegration in the face of a future war, a good percentage of society that has been disenfranchised and made to suffer (including women) may begin to disassociate themselves from Pakistan. To fight the big fight as you are suggesting, it needs to have some base, get some fundamentals right. Just having nuclear weapons and missiles isn't going to be enough.
@Ayub khan: Difference between Iran and Pakistan is that- a)Iran society is united while Pakistani is very divided b)Pakistan does not have capable leadership at any level while Iran has c)Pakistanis are more religious minded and nationhood comes 2nd, while Iranians are very patriotic and nationalistic. d) To the final point, I will let you guess- what percentage of Iranians will be willing to die in a war with US/NATO versus Pakistanis?
We are happy with whatever you give us, master.
@S good, please cut the rest as well
Oh, you mean the Aid, I misunderstood for a moment there
The cuts are not deep enough. Money is the only instrument by which Pakistan can be controlled. Pakistan profited greatly by double and triple-billing for everything and this charade went on for 10 years. This, while they were supporting the very forces they were supposed to fight.
@Zaid: "Pakistan is a rich country. We do not need their aid (imdaad). Thanks."
A rich country which has 20 hour power cuts. Close your eyes and reject reality. Life is easier that way.
taliban will kill Dr Shakil Afridi
why pakistan messing around
what it gets aid cut
release Dr Shakil Afridi
@Cautious: Is this your full time job?
@Vikas: there are more beggers in India i.e 60%
Excellent ... Please cut it 100% !!!! pullllleeeeezee ....
@Vikas: Simple maths makes me laughs at your comment.
Big Satan is going broke they have got nothing to give others and soon not much for themselves.
@afzaalkhan: Gee, the US just cut aid to Pakistan. That's not fair. Now we can stretch our begging bowl to China, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, etc. who will be overjoyed to welcome us with open arms, and offer us tons of money. That's great news, folks. Cheer up, dear Pakis. Your world is about to brighten up from the dark stone age to neolithic age, as you pretend to be the world's "most successful Islamic nation" (whatever!). Over the years, we have perfected the art of begging instead of creating and generating wealth for the nation by fostering entrepreneurship and industry, promoting research, science and technology and, most importantly, human initiative. Now what will happen to all those millions of madrassah-educated graduates roaming around with machine guns, hand grenades, etc? . Will they be paid unemployment benefits?! Oh, how heartless to see them lose their jobs!
Vikas, Caution and the rest..
India has taken 160 billion dollars in aid. a 100 more than pakistan. source OECD.
good, please cut the rest as well
Here is my take. You may call it crazy if you like.
Right now, there are only two conflicting contending systems for leading the world - the old venal, iniquitous, outdated system of nominal democracy and capitalism - represented by the US and its stooges, and the ever-dynamic, comprehensive system based on justice, truth, and human progress - Islam, as best captured in the spirit of Pakistani nation.
The conflict between the two is the foreshadowing of the great ultimate conflict in which victory shall belong to those on the side of Allah and righteousness. Americans know this and are scared of Pakistan.
If Pakistan is to prepare for the inevitable call to lead the world, it must stand on its feet, or being to build bridges with like-minded nations. America is not one of them.
Thats Excellent news ! even if they give it, it will go in few swiss accounts anyway...so its best not to have it.
It's goodnews for Pakistan! It'll help Pakistan survive on its legs. If there is no corruption, Pakistan will be the greatest islamic power on earth. All Pakistan awaits is elections & (PTI) imran khan will sweep elections. Corruption will disappear, sharia (law & order) will be implemented, War on terror will end & inshallah, Pakistan becomes super power!
You are a funny bunch. One day you don't any aid and the next day you are complaining about cutting the aid.
Does anyone in Pakistan know what they want?
This is all for warm welcome of ISI chief during his trip to USA next week. He should be ready for earfull in private meetings, especially from Panetta. This confirms that US policies towards Pakistan are working and having desired effect.
All you have to do is write to your government and ask them NOT to accept any aid from USA and try to hold your head high.
We should actually fully help in blocking NATO supplies permanently.
This should get some attention. Money talks.
@Zaid Hamid:
It should be more like No Fee, No Service!
Pakistan should start thinking a mutual defense agreement with Iran.
@Truth Detector: Bro..It's just a slang..little humorous and nothing else. "Dil pe mat le yarr"
Any one who follows my blog,knows ,it was in the cards.Worst things are yet to come,Mush has got Pakistan in big hole.Pakistan need to rethink its policy.It at best counter productive.Getting 'panga' with USA is not good policy.You do not have to say uncle but at least refrain from poking in the eye,
More ammunition for the fanatics and the mulllahs to rally people against the NATO supply resumption. If corruption and good governance can be brought in Pakistan, then Pakistan should be able to survive without the US/World Bank/IMF monies.
@Vikas Ah.. that makes u feel so better. You and some other Indians live dreaming Pakistan collapsing, going to comma, crumbling, dying etc whether it is day or night. Get a life, dude.
GLOC was Pakistan's main trump card and the establishment played it badly, really badly. Pakistan has to payoff its loans this year and next which it does not have. Without USA help,Pakistan will have to default.
Any and all forms of Aid is a Curse. The aid never gets to intended and enriches filthy, corrupt political and military leadership. Cut all aid, this aid is a CURSE !
If I were a Pakistani (which clearly I am not), this cut in aid would not worry me so much due to the amount - which frankly in the scheme of things may not be that large. I would worry about the fact that many formerly pro-Pakistani US congressmen have started voting for instead of against such bills. It is the mood in US congress which should worry Pakistan. The bill on declaring Haqqanis as a terrorist organization is about to pass. At some point if things do not get better between US and Pakistan, it could lead to US designating Pakistan as a state sponsor of terror. While this would not pass in UN due to China's support, it could have a much more adverse impact on Pakistan than it is currently having on Iran.
I hope none of this comes to pass and Pakistan really takes a U turn on some of the policies that have not benefitted Pakistan either -especially providing supporting environment to terrorists that attack other countries because it has provided an environment where anti-Pakistani terrorists have also flowered.
"But this cut in aid may harm the ongoing efforts between the two countries to maintain a balanced relation." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Incorrect. Pakistan has consistently sought Trade and not Aid !
Stop fifty percent of NATO supplies till US agrees to pay the full amount to Pakistan. This step is bound to pay off.
You mean those same "hand picked" politicians who constantly bad mouth the USA - if so the American's must think they got cheated. No doubt if IK gets elected and things don't improve he will be labeled as another "hand picked" politician?
We need to grow up as a nation and stop living on charities!!! We should be the hand which gives ! Where is our EGO when we live in charity and call everybody in the world KAFIR !!!???
This is great news for pakistan in a long run, all aid should be cut so we can learn how to fish and feed ourselves rather than beg for food. This is a great news indeed.
Calling Pakistan “Benedict Arnold” of nations ? Another title in the already long list of titles. Looks like we will be hearing this new title quite frequently from now on.
All those who think that all the aid goes into politicians pockets can't see very far. Politicians and the military pinch a certain part of the total available funds in the country - they don't care about the source. If you have less money to go around, that means that less money is going to go into infrastructure/ education/ health.
hmmm they approve cut after resumption of NATO supplies
@TightChuddhi: "NATO lines should be blocked again for 10 month now till US does not allocate full money. This is not a charity
" They have not cut CSFor coaliation support fund. They have cut aid - which IS charity.
@Ali: Everyone's fault but Pakistan's.
A question from those who were supporting the resumption of NATO supply due to the ill informed fact that Pakistani economy will not sustain without aid. How will it sustain now? Will it not be destroyed now? I am sure they will come up with some excuse to prove themselves right.
@malik: Oh no. Like you wouldn't find any other reason under the sun for it even if this never happened.
Thanks a lot. Aid wasn't for Pakistani, but for the Corrupt Pakistani Politicians hand picked by US.
Lets block NATO supplies.
NATO lines should be blocked again for 10 month now till US does not allocate full money. This is not a charity
It is a bad news, We have to change our mindset, and should fully help the NATO forces in combating terrorism. It is also good for the future of pakistan.
This is bound to radicalize more youth in the country.
Under normal circumstances the US Congress gives the President carte blanche on most foreign affairs issues -- but Pakistan behavior has crossed the line. Apparently the combo of OBL, de-facto sanctuaries, constant anti American rhetoric, misuse of American aid, bilking American's for phony military charges, and the attempted extortion over the NATO supply line was too much.
Some clarity and it should be considered good news.
Pakistan is a rich country. We do not need their aid (imdaad). Thanks.
Come on US cut all aid, I so wish they do that would be the best thing that would happen to Pakistan
Pakistani economy will go in coma now...
Not a sensible move I guess. But then, USA can afford to be not so sensible with countries like my beloved Pakistan (in present circumstances). However, things will change InshaAllah, and so will the world and USAs policies.
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