Speaking in the second part of an exclusive Express News show To the Point with host Shahzaib Khanzada on Friday evening, Afaq said that police reports of NATO weapons containers disappearing from Port Qasim were authentic and that the MQM had received them.
He added that the lack of a hue and cry on NATO’s part signalled complicity. Additionally, Afaq said that former President Musharraf was a party to the plan. He called him an “American agent”.
Providing details of an alleged “weaponisation programme”, Afaq alleged that the “containers were first removed from Port Qasim and placed at the construction site of an underpass for vehicles in Liaquatabad.” When the construction project was completed, the containers vanished, as has been documented in police reports.
Of target killers and running operations from jail
With both the MQM and MQM-H rumoured to maintain hit squads, the host first took to Afaq, questioning whether his party maintained a militant wing. Afaq categorically denied this, asking the host why they would need a militant wing in the first place.
When asked whether he was issuing orders to militants in his party, Afaq said that those who claim to have received orders have been arrested and are under trial. “If anyone feels I have been issuing orders from inside prison, they can file an FIR against me. I have faced trial before and will do so again.”
Turning the talk on to the other foot, the MQM-H chief claimed that he was in fact a victim of the MQM target killers, Ajmal Pahari in particular. “Why does the government not go and ask the family members of those targeted by Ajmal Pahari, who has confessed to a hundred murders?”
Afaq added that when Zulfiqar Mirza said he would be going to London to present evidence against Altaf Hussain, he provided video recordings of alleged target killer Saulat Mirza. “I provided him with recordings of Saulat Mirza confessing to killing Shahid Hamid and others on the orders of Altaf Hussain.”
MQM-H had contact with Imran Farooq till six months before his death
Afaq said that his party, the MQM-H, had been in contact with the MQM’s Dr Imran Farooq, who was murdered outside his house in London, in September 2010.
He said that before his death, Farooq had developed differences with Altaf Hussain over party policies and Farooq was in contact with members in Pakistan and some people in America.
Afaq went on to claim that Farooq was even in contact with Musharraf and that the former president of Pakistan was shocked when Farooq was killed. However, the host provided Musharraf’s statements in which the general declined any links with Farooq.
The MQM-H chief went on to say that two MQM members travelling from Sri Lanka under pseudonyms, were arrested at the Karachi airport following a Scotland Yard tipoff. When reminded that Pakistani and British authorities had denied this report, Afaq countered that “the ISI never confirmed nor denied their actions,” and insisted that the arrests had taken place.
Afaq said that he was in the process of reorganising his party, which has engrossed him since his release. He added that he would be speaking to a number of political leaders including Nawaz Sharif of the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz and Shahi Syed of the Awami National Party.
Pressed about the funds required to run and maintain a party, he said that, “there were political parties which operated without funds.”
He said that in the early days he used to work in the Korangi Trade association as a clerk, and had even worked in a match factory at one point in time to raise funds for his politics. Afaq said that his father was not a poor man, but that he could not ask his father for funds.
He categorically rejected that his part had links to the army or the ISI or that he received any money from them.
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very true afaq i know regards amir aziz haryani gold palace sadddar
Thank you for printing my comment, I have been very disappointed in the past, looks like new reolution of Express Tribune, i hope it lasts longer than most such resolution. Thank you once again Also, the lines below
Status quo maintained Well done! Imran Khan at IBA, which represent a very small miniority of student population in Karachi. If he really wanted to get in touch with the masses, KARACH UNIVERSITY is the place to be, so clearly, this strangely called Tsunami, can only convince the haves of IBA and LUMS, and sadly fails to touch the real Pakistan that goes to Punjab uni and Karachi uni.
Keep it up!
Interesting to see that MQM Multan Jalsa did not make it to the home page of EXPRESS TRIBUNE, but an individuals make some statements are put on priority space on the web page,
It would be good to see this printed
Well done Afaq Ahmed! Keep it up!
@Hassan: What!? You mean they aren't?? Learn something new everyday...
@Dr. Who.Because he is still in Karachi, not in London or Chicago.
What are you trying to say.
With so much going on at the national-level politics, there hardly seems to be much of a role for a city or rather a district-level party like Afaq Ahmad’s MQM Haqiqi. He says he would be talking to Mian Nawaz Sharif but it is unlikely that MNS would be interested in associating with a controversial set up like his, especially at a time when MNS would perhaps be concentrating more on keeping his party together.. Moreover, MNS has already contacted Marwat of Punjabi-Pakhtun Ittehad, who could perhaps be more useful for him.
Afaq Ahmad could be counting a lot on Dr. Zulfiqar Mirza’s support but in the dramatically changed circumstances, I don’t think he will get much there. There just seem to be too many odds against Afaq Ahmad..
I hope Afaq Ahmad realizes the gravity of the situation and comes on the Mutahidda Qaumi Movement’s platform which will afford him an opportunity to play a useful and constructive role in bringing peace to this city which has seen far too much of unnecessary bloodshed and can’t afford more divisions and the consequential disasters.. Amir Khan is quite comfortable with Mutahidda and I am sure the party will welcome him just as much, provided he takes courage to make the right move. It would be a shame to see him wasting his talent and energy in useless pursuits which are likely to increase his own suffering and misery as well as that of others in the city.
this guy should be put behind bar again,as his speeches will act as petrol on already burning Karachi.
MQM A has the karachi city hostaged and divided people on further basis of ethnicity...MQM has a private militia running through units in areas
People in Karachi voted for MQM and they deserve to get punished for their part in destruction the most beautiful Pakistani city. Now it is their kids who have less opportunity but MQM wallas always believed that govt give them ious when they don't even show up for work. Govt is bankrupt and so are businesses. Karachi is turning into a Ghetto thanks to Mutahida movement for fascism and destruction.
I am no supporter of MQM but here are few points that I would raise.
Afaq Ahmed and Zaid Hamid-both have four letters in their first and five in their last names
No wonder what MQM does but this NATO story is hard to buy.Just today Altaf Hussain gave his live performance in Multan Jalsa, and now Afaq Ahmed is doing some stupid comedy. Looks like Afaq indeed is trying to copy Altaf and that's why he's thinking about using humour as a tool to gather support.
@ Hassan Even though that Christmas story is not true but funny thoughts came to my mind. Just think for a while Altaf Hussian acting like Mr. Grinch.hahahahhah
MQM you can not run away from truth.
@Hassan Well to his credit Altaf has stolen the peace and last 10 odd years of Karachi.
MQM is definitely not responsible for global warming and Altaf Hussain is definitely not going to steal Christmas but he definitely is responsible for hellish situation in Karachi and is responsible for stealing money from the pockets of hundreds of thousands of citizens of Karachi.
I am curious. this guy was in jail at that time. How did he know? Shoaib Suddle? Oh come on now! If anyone will believe in what Shoaid Suddle has to say, then I would like to inform everyone that Santa exists!
"When reminded that Pakistani and British authorities had denied this report"
May i remind the host that his own news group ET later on confirmed the news?
LOL Mr Afaq Ahmed name is present in the affidavit of ISI Asad Durrani in Asghar Khan case, according to that affidavit Mr Afaq received 0.5 million from ISI with his friends Jamat e Islami and Nawaz Sharif. Mr Afaq this is not 1992 when you get away with hollow allegations if You have proofs of what you said against MQM file a petition against MQM in Supreme Court provide evidence there but I am sure you will never go to court against Altaf and MQM
Tomorrow maybe Afaq will claim that MQM is responsible for global warming and that Altaf Hussain is going to steal Christmas....
Why is he given so much space??