Suicide attack in Mohmand Agency kills 55

At least 20 people have been killed and several injured in a suicide blast in Mohmand Agency.

Agencies/express July 09, 2010

A suicide bomber killed at least 55 people and wounded more than 100 in an attack outside Assistant Political Agent office in Mohmand Agency on Friday.

The explosion took place at the Yakaghund area of the lower tehsil of Mohmand Agency. According to reports, the suicide bomber was riding a motorbike. The political agent's office was targeted at a time when more than 150 people had gathered there to seek redress for various problems. Many elderly citizens had been queueing outside the office to receive government wheelchairs.

"The bomber blew himself up outside the office of an assistant political agent, killing himself and wounding dozens others," a government official, Mehraj Khan, told Reuters.

"There were two blasts. The first one was small but the second was a big one. Up to 45 people have been killed," RasoolKhan, assistant political agent of Mohmand tribal region, told Reuters.

The blast also damaged several cars and about 30 shops in a commercial neighborhood, witnesses said. The wall of a local jail is also reported to have been damaged in the attack.

Six children were among those killed. There are fears the number of causalities will rise as many are still trapped under the rubble. Rescue efforts are currently underway.

Several shops and vehicles in the area have been destroyed. The injured have been shifted to the Lady Reading and Shab Qadar Hospital. Security forces have cordoned off the area.

Security forces claimed to have cleared this northwestern area of Pakistan of militants, however recent incidents and reports have raised fears that militants are regrouping in the area.


faraz | 13 years ago | Reply Imran says that taliban are tribal nationalists who are reacting to drone attacks, now the same taliban have killed their own tribals! Why dont we admit that taliban are religious motivated fanatics who are now creating strategic depth inside Pakistan. A victim of terrorism belonging to a big city is paid 5 Lakh while a poor tribal is paid 1 Lakh. When will we stop treating tribals as third class citizens and exploiting them to wage proxy wars and to create strategic depth. The glorious good taliban are also pakistanis, its our double standards that we have no problem if a poor pakistani kid gets killed in Afghanistan or Kashmir. And those who have turned against the state are now termed agents. We dont have the guts to admit that the state exploited them in the name of jihad.
Sadia Hussain | 13 years ago | Reply Militants are now routinely ambushing Army convoys and public offices. Today’s attack on Mohmand agency remind us that these operations need to go on .It is important that our men are well-equipped and trained for such assaults, as the main operation has ended and now we are smoking the rats out of the holes. The process of clearing FATA will be long task and we have to keep our morals high as insurgencies are more of physiological battle.
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