The Shahbaz airbase, which houses F-16 aircraft, is the subject of several US embassy cables released by WikiLeaks. One cable, dated October 6, 2009, makes note of the security requirements for the F-16s to be housed at the airbase.
According to the cable, “The security notes also mandate a five-year, 24/7 US technology security presence for the F-16s. SAF/IA has determined that when fully in place, the US security presence should consist of 45 US personnel – 40 at Shahbaz (five US military and 35 contractors), and five in Islamabad (two US military, one US Government civilian, two contractors). The estimated cost of the US security presence is $30 million per year, or $150 million for the full five-year period.”
The F-16 aircraft are subject to security restrictions that the aircraft, armaments, related equipment and technical data need to be housed at a separate air force base which does not have “non-US/non-Pakistani origin personnel and aircraft.” A January 2009 cable explained this further, stating that “there have been other US government concerns about illegal technology transfer relating to Pakistan’s co-production program with the JF-17 Chinese fighter aircraft.”
The cables also note Pakistan’s difficulty in making payments for the security presence. According to the October cable, Pakistan also had to make upgrades and security enhancements to the airbase, which it estimated would cost $210 million.
The Shahbaz airbase in Jacobabad became the focus of agitation by Pakistani politicians during last year’s floods as allegations were leveled that the floodwater had been diverted to Balochistan to protect the base.
Additionally, rumours that the base was not being used for flood relief efforts because it was allegedly under US control further fueled the public ire.
Calls for investigation came from former prime minister Mir Zafrullah Jamali, and the government was forced to clarify.
Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani and the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) said in public statements that the base was under Pakistan’s control and denied that there were American officers stationed there.
Defence Minister Ahmed Mukhtar told the Senate in January 2010 that the base had been used for “covert operations in Afghanistan two years ago” but the Shamsi, Pasni and Shahbaz bases were not being used by the US.
Then-US ambassador to Pakistan Anne Patterson wrote in the cable that “the Pakistan F-16 program - a package which includes new aircraft, Mid-Life Upgrade (MLU) kits, and munitions - is the flagship symbol of our renewed, post-9/11 engagement with the Pakistani military. The success of the program is critical to demonstrating that the US is committed to a long-term relationship with Pakistan and is a reliable security partner. Pakistan is already using its existing F-16s in counter-insurgency operations in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas, but the inability of those aircraft to execute precision targeting or to fly at night increases collateral damage and limits their effectiveness. New and MLU-ed F-16s and their munitions packages will significantly improve the PAF’s precision and night strike capabilities.”
Published in The Express Tribune, September 11th, 2011.
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The whole system is rotting.We are quick to blame the Army, the ISI and the Politicians for the mess we are in.But lets look at the rest of us. We do not give taxes, we don't trust anybody with our money.We believe in discounts and good quality just doesn't sound exciting to us. We buy the cheapest possible things and resell them for the highest possible price. We are smugglers, cherishing that we have beaten the system by greasing the palms of greedy officials. We prefer Alcohol to any other form of drinks importing over $3 Billion worth a year, without the National Exchequer getting any form of Taxes, in the name of Islam.We do not like to save and any saving is in land investment mostly. We don't like interest so we keep most of our money at home invested in Gold etc. We do not like to keep our little financial savings inside the country. We don't like cleanliness and use the entire country as a open toilet.We do not believe in family planning and feel Allah is the provider no matter what, 5-10-15 children or many wives and much much more. We do not follow the true Islamic way of life, only that which suits us. And it goes on and on and........ So the question is who are the Army, ISI and the Politicians. They are our fathers, our brothers, our sons, our cousins and our friends.They are who we are. So to change them we need to change ourselves. But who will lead. It's a Billion Dollar question or 20% whichever is more.
@ARG. Wasn't it General Mullah (zia) who provided bases and what not to US. And wasn't it the mullah parties JI and JUI who made tons of money off afghan jihad by taking American cash to fight. Children of zia and their twisted logic is mind boggling. Who will lead this Iranian style revolution , let me guess General Zaid Hamid Aka lal topi wala. We have al Qaida base, haqqani network base, lj base etc etc so what if we have American base also. We provide bases to all crooks and yahoos and then complain we have lost our sovereignty.
@meekal ahmed: Atleast they have the guts to stand up. Not like the spineless "liberals" who lay-over when commanded by their "master". Today, even in the face of all sanctions, Iran is defiant.
During the first Gulf war, India did not send any Armed Forces of her own, however provided the fuel facilities to the US Air Force. I kind of agree with Suresh, that India should provide some healthy and strategic bases to the US for regional stability.
USA is our friend and has always helped us in need. USA supplies majority of the weapons used by our Armed Forces. Confusion about USA's image is created by few retired generals and their cronies in media who could not get approval from Pentagon for further promotion or imposition of Martial Law. Before criticising USA, please read the history of Pak India. The muslims of Punjab and KPK ( except tribals) always sided with British Raj. They fought for British Raj and sacrificed millions of lives during wars of last two centuries. Who captured Dehli in 1857 and defeated Japanese in Jungles of Burma for Britain? Thousands of retired army officers and soldiers who served British Raj got pension from Pakistani exchequre even they did not serve Pakistan. It was possible due to continuity of relationship. The terms of friendship and co-operation between People of Pakistan, British Raj and new Super Power which has taken place of Great Britain was established not in one day or under one government or by one generation. Its centuries old and no one can terminate it. Hypocrats can creat confusion and destroy Pakistan but cannot change the history..
@ Dr. Priyanka
Bad news indeed. Our prayers with him. May Allah ease his pain. Ameen
@Nasir: that is a ridiculous statement,india has offered any military assistance to us,now im not taking sides here but these are the facts,just look them up.
@Nasir: When it comes to fighting Indian Air Force or Afghan/Soviet Air Force, the use of weaponry like the F-16's becomes legitimate but when it comes to using the same against the Believers, it becomes wrong. If we discount the human civilian losses across Pakistan due to our alignment with USA and NATO, and look primarily at the extremist element, who are also believers with a different mindset then perhaps we can legitimize the alignment with Sherlock Holmes.However, in the broader sense, you are right the losses are very heavy due to our leaning with the USA/NATO Alliance.
@Ishtiaer Hussain: Thanks but no thanks ... those Daisy cutters, and phosphorus bombs are a bit harsher than medieval barbarism ... Modern Crusaders
Brother, does it really matter how much you wish to prevent something which is inevitable ? Its always better to be a 'sycophant' than a 'psycho' ...
@ARG: An Iran-type revolution?
You mean a revolution where the mulla's take-over?
@ Dr. Priyanka
I pointed to the situation immediately after 9/11 when the Indian govt. offered their bases for attack on Afghanistan.
@Nasir: 'Days after the 9/11 attacks in the US 10 years ago, the American administration had sent its Pacific Command chief to New Delhi with three specific military demands - direct assistance to its navy and air force and presence of Indian troops in Afghanistan. The requests were rejected after Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee overruled a divided cabinet committee on security, one of the stakeholders disclosed to TOI a decade after India took the decisive turn and refused to join the military operations in Afghanistan.' This is from TOI you can google it. I hope this satisfies you my friend. I am unhappy and cannot continue today for a while as Mohd Azharuddin's [cricketer] son is seriously injured and he is from my city Hyderabad and today the entire city is shrouded in gloom! Just want to grieve and I think the news is bad and they are waiting for the father to return to India and will then release the dreaded news!
@Nasir: India has asked US aviation companies to think of establishing manufacturing bases and investing in aviation infrastructure like airports in India for a long-term commitment. Its for civil aviation and not for establishing military bases my friend!
How are we doing the same things? Allying with US and NATO to kill Believers (at least they claim it and may think the opposite about us)? inappropriate analogy......
@ Dr. Priyanka
And what India govt's offer of their bases after 9/11 when Pakistan initially was hesitant in providing the same?
The Holy Prophet(mpbuh) during one of the wars made peace with the Jews to fight the Kuffaar ( non believers ) for the survival of Islam. We are also doing a similar thing. USA is technologically the most advanced country in the world.We need their technical cooperation to help us use the advanced weaponry.We need to put our own house in order first and then if things do not improve, blame them for meddling in our affairs.
@Sohail: The Indian govt doesnt allow it. Once an American helicopter by mistake flew into Indian territory. It was the then Madras, and an explanation was sought by the Indians. And there was this air base in Diego Garcia and the Indians did not want the airbase there although it was miles into the ocean. 'U.S. military activities in Diego Garcia have caused friction between India and the U.S. in the past. The islands were part of the group called in ancient times the Lakshadweepa ("One Hundred Thousand Islands" in Sanskrit) in Ancient India and were considered a part of the South Indian kingdoms. Various political parties in India repeatedly called for the military base to be dismantled, as they saw the U.S. naval presence in Diego Garcia as a hindrance to peace in the Indian Ocean.[116] In recent years, relations between India and the U.S. have improved dramatically. Diego Garcia was the site of several naval exercises between the U.S. and Indian navies held between 2001 and 2004.
Another lie exposed. These Americans should be kicked out of Pakistan. We need an Iran type revolution.
@Ishtiaer Hussain: Those countries are puppets. If u want to name real muslim countries, name iran, turkey and malaysia...
american military personnel is part of military deals all over the world usually. its like that with all countries cuz they come with harsh technology transfer laws and restrictions. without that US normally does not or cannot sell its stuff...u have american personnel doing that in thousands of locations worldwide.
however, it really is a pathetic thing and pakistan should stop taking military gear from US, al together. there has been a good shift in recent years, and the good thing is that where in past american personnel used to be all over pakistan, now theyre only confined to one base mostly...the moment pakistan stop taking anything from US, they can be kicked out too.
understanding the reality is important before saying you dont want them here.
Prime Minister Yosuf Raza Gillani, the defense minister and the PAF Chief owe an explanation to the nation, NA & the Senate of Pakistan.
These matters should be discussed in Parliament and our law makers should demand an open discussions on these matters, including agreements with USA. Where are parties in opposition? Doing only lip service!
@Suresh: lols.. come on yar... American Base in India... hahahaha
This is not new. The US applies the pre-conditions and pressure on us because our politicians are consanguineous mendicants. The prime example of this is our latest global begging and appeal for rain relief by our fashion besotted Prime Minister.
The US must be conjuring up new plans to humiliate our country. Why blame them. We ask for it day in and day out. To quote the Chinese proverb, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me," Salams to all honest Pakistanis.
@Suresh: No thank you, Suresh! Give them a place in your drawing room.
Its time US moves its base into India. This is in the best interest of India as well as Pakistan. They can keep a check on both sides of the border.
Why objections on the US presence in Shamsi airbase? US forces are present in more than three dozen countries around the world, including Muslim ones. US airforce may be stationed in Shamsi base not to occupy Pakistan but to help it fight effectively and efficiently against the shaggy barbarians of medieval times who also want to take us back to the medieval times.
Yes this is proved now that every one of our leadership have and is trying to sell our mother land to USA.
I'm don't understand what kind forces we have and what kind of leadership we have.
This is pathetic....
No one, had ever tried to work for Pakistan. neither Army, ISI and Politicians on the top. ....
I'm sure we will loose our beloved PAKISTAN very soon if this is going on ....