In the show's season two, episode The One After the Superbowl, Chandler meets his old childhood friend Susie "Underpants" Moss. And unsuspecting that it is a plot to get revenge, he arranges a date with her.
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Unfortunately for him, their relationship did not last long as Susie Moss had reeled him in to take revenge for pulling up her skirt in fourth grade in front of the whole class.
After convincing him to wear her panties on their date, Susie steals his clothes and leaves him wearing nothing but the panties in a bathroom stall of the restaurant where they were having dinner at.
Chandler was forced to unhinge the door to a bathroom stall to cover up his jewels as he runs out of a restaurant stark naked.
Susie Moss reminded him of his childhood prank saying, "My skirt! You lifted! Kids laughing! I was Susie Underpants till I was 18!"
To which Chandler responded, "That was in the fourth grade! How can you still be upset about that?" This sparked Julia Robert's character to ask him to call her in 20 years and see if his wound heals by then.
There's no Friends reunion: David Schwimmer
Here's the scene from the episode, The One After the Superbowl to refresh your memory:
Since Mathew Perry recently admitted to not remembering three seasons of the show due to his drug addiction, we won't be banking on him remembering to call Julia Roberts or the wound inflicted.
In the off chance that he does remember to call though, we wonder if his wounds have indeed healed from the painfully embarrassing scene.
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