Stories from Saad Zuberi
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10 things I hate about bakra Eid
Call me an infidel, but I can’t bring myself to make merry at the idea of murdering a few hundred thousand animals.
Positive Pakistanis: A rupee for a life
Parveen Rao was discouraged from education — not only did she educate herself, but she now runs the One Rupee...
10 things I hate about Pakistani television
Desi ghost hunters — you’ve got to be kidding me!
Ain’t no mountain high enough
Mountain climbing is the ultimate high-adventure sport, but before you start trekking, do a trial on your treadmill.
KU blues
KU is not only one of the most depressing universities of Pakistan; it is also perhaps one of the most testing.
10 things I hate about dieting
Not losing any weight. And I don’t feel healthy either, I just feel dead and hungry.
Singled Out
The woman I set out looking for more than a decade ago is still nowhere in sight