The Indus Water Treaty faces threats as India seeks renegotiation amid growing water disputes and climate pressures.
The water consumed by the average Pakistani citizen is severely contaminated
The Nobel Prize for Economics was awarded to Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson for their work on institutions.
Pakistan's mining potential raises concerns over labour rights, environmental damage, and the resource curse.
The ongoing stress placed on nature by human actions has undermined the biodiversity of our interdependent planet
Democracy's decline: elitism, manipulated elections, and growing populism challenge its legitimacy worldwide
Whether niche market labels grow in scale to make global supply chains less exploitative is a important question
The most powerful entity within the UN system is its Security Council, which is not a representative institution.
The decision-makers need to pay heed to the longstanding need for revamping agricultural and irrigational policies.
Afghanistan is a source of instability for not only Pakistan but also for other neighbouring states in the region.