Game of Thrones: In season 6, Jon Snow’s death is inconsequential
For those 1:41 minutes of the trailer, the entire world ceased to exist for diehard Game of Thrones fans.
A couple of weeks ago, Game of Thrones (GoT) released the trailer for its sixth season on YouTube and, for those 1:41 minutes, the entire world ceased to exist for diehard GoT fans.
The excitement and exhilaration that fans had been harbouring since the beginning of this year (and when the season six teaser was released) increased tenfold and I, for one, began marking the calendar for April 24th like the GoT fanatic I am.
After the trailer was released, many started speculating as to whether Jon Snow was really dead or if he will be reincarnated by Melisandre, the Red Woman (as predicted by many fan theories). However, after watching the trailer, for me, Jon Snow’s death became inconsequential. Why? Because seeing the snippets revealed to us, I know that Season 6 has a lot more to offer and that is why his death isn’t a factor for me. Staying true to its roots, GoT yet again proved that no matter which character dies, the show must go on – and it is very much doing so, with all guns blazing.
Here are some of the factors that truly excite me for the coming season:
1) Jamie and Cersie Lannister’s vengeance
I have to admit that after the third season, Jamie Lannister’s character was not of much interest to me as it had become rather mellow. However, his appearance in the trailer has raised him above his prior performances and his avowal of vengeance with Cersie (“We’re the only ones who matter, and everything they have taken from us, we’re going to take it back… and more”) is riveting, to say the least.
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="600"] I have to admit that after the third season, Jamie Lannister’s character was not of much interest to me as it had become rather mellow.Photo: Den of Geek[/caption]
Last season left Jamie holding his daughter’s dead body and Cersie tethered and abused at the hands of the Sparrow. So there is a definite chance of them kicking some well-deserved ass. Also, I would love to see how Cersie uses her new zombie-ish solider against those who have wronged her.
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="600"] Also, I would love to see how Cersie uses her new zombie-ish solider against those who have wronged her.Photo: Den of Geek[/caption]
2) Daenerys Targaryan’s captivity
Daenerys has taken some mindboggling steps to establish her reign over multiple cities and commanding a formidable army. Therefore, it makes me curious as to how she plans to get out of her captor’s grip (the Dothraki, who captured her at the end of season five) and when – for the love of God – will she be able to get to Westeros. Also, where is Drogon and why is he not helping her?
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="600"] Daenerys has taken some mindboggling steps to establish her reign over multiple cities and commanding a formidable army.Photo: Den of Geek[/caption]
3) Fates of the Starks, Tyrion Lannister and Theon Grejoy
All three remaining Starks find themselves in a pickle – Sansa, running away from Ramsay Bolton, Arya, possibly blind and stuck in the House of Black and White, and Bran, stuck with the Three-Eyed Raven guy. I wonder how these three are planning to save themselves, and, in the process, perhaps being reunited. Also, seeing Bran standing next to the leader of the White Walkers was definitely a chilling moment for me.
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="600"] Also, seeing Bran standing next to the leader of the White Walkers was definitely a chilling moment for me..Photo: Den of Geek[/caption]
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="600"] I wonder how these three are planning to save themselves, and, in the process, perhaps getting reunited.Photo: Den of Geek[/caption]
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="600"] All three remaining Starks find themselves in a pickle – Sansa, running away from Ramsay Bolton, Arya, possibly blind and stuck in the House of Black and White, and Bran, stuck with the Three-Eyed Raven guy.Photo: Den of Geek[/caption]
As for Tyrion Lannister, we see very little of him in the trailer and I refuse to believe that he has a smaller role this season as – to be honest – he is one of the main attractions in the show.
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="600"] As for Tyrion Lannister, we see very little of him in the trailer and I refuse to believe that he has a lesser role this season as – to be honest – he is one of the main attractions in this show.Photo: Den of Geek[/caption]
We see the House of Greyjoy banners after a long time and we also see a destitute-looking Theon being beaten and tortured. Has he been captured by Ramsay again (I hope not!)? Or has he been captured by the Greyjoys and being punished for his… um… incapability?
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="600"] We see the House of Greyjoy banners after a long time and we also see a destitute-looking Theon being beaten and tortured.Photo: Den of Geek[/caption]
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="600"] Has he been captured by Ramsay again (I hope not!)?Photo: Den of Geek[/caption]
Alongside this, there are two other Greyjoys showcased in the trailer – Euron and Balon Greyjoy, Theon’s uncle and brother respectively. They can be seen the first and second image below:
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="600"] Alongside this, there are two other Greyjoys showcased in the trailer – Euron and Balon Greyjoy, Theon’s uncle and brother respectively.Photo: Den of Geek[/caption]
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="600"] Alongside this, there are two other Greyjoys showcased in the trailer – Euron and Balon Greyjoy, Theon’s uncle and brother respectively.Photo: Den of Geek[/caption]
4) Margaery Tyrell
I have to admit that throughout the series, Margaery Tyrell has been my favourite character. She is smart and beautiful and, more importantly, she is driven in her cause to rule Westeros. Seeing her banished and prisoned by the Sparrows last season definitely made me sad but she seems determined in the trailer. The scene where she holds the Sparrow’s hand implies that she is planning to work with them. To overthrow the Lannisters, perhaps? Whatever it is, I am very much excited to see it.
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="600"] I have to admit that throughout the series, Margaery Tyrell has been my favourite character.Photo: Den of Geek[/caption]
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="600"] She is smart and beautiful and, more importantly, she is driven in her cause to rule Westeros.Photo: Den of Geek[/caption]
5) The battle scenes
I am not sure which battle this depicts and who all are involved, but the scenes look really promising and I am sure that this will be a highlight for this season.
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="600"] I am not sure which battle this depicts and who all are involved.Photo: Den of Geek[/caption]
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="600"] but the scenes look really promising and I am sure that this will be a highlight for this season.Photo: Den of Geek[/caption]
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="600"] All in all, Season 6 looks promising and the fact that the show runners have termed this season as the most exciting one yet has definitely gotten me pumped up for it.Photo: Den of Geek[/caption]
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="600"] All in all, Season 6 looks promising and the fact that the show runners have termed this season as the most exciting one yet has definitely gotten me pumped up for it.Photo: Den of Geek[/caption]
All in all, season six looks promising and the fact that the show runners have termed this season as the most exciting one yet has definitely gotten me pumped up for it.
Can’t wait for April 24th now!
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