FBI trains Punjab police

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) gave an eight day training to the Punjab police.

Express April 30, 2010

LAHORE: The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) gave an eight day training to the Punjab police and has equipped them with four of the most up-to-date forensic vans.

The vans were handed over to the Punjab police at a special ceremony held at a police training school in Chung. Consulate General of the American Embassy in Lahore Karmila Conroy and Additional IG of Punjab police Chaudhry Tanveer were the chief guests.

A four-member FBI team trained nearly thirty-one officials of the Punjab police and two from Peshawar police for eight days.

Consulate General Karmila Conroy, at the occassion said the US government will continue supporting Pakistan's law enforcement agencies.


Mir | 14 years ago | Reply Ze Americanooss are cominngghh ... They have invaded us yet again.
Nadir El-Edroos | 14 years ago | Reply I am just waiting for someone to say how this is an american conspiracy!
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