Expected jump in petrol prices

Express April 30, 2010

LAHORE: The price of petrol is likely to increase by Rs 5 per litre from Saturday.

A Rs5 per litre increase in the price of kerosene and Rs4.5 increase in the price of diesel is also expected. The Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority has sent a summary to the government for the increase in oil prices in the wake of price fluctuations in the international market.

Anticipating the hike, petrol stations across Southern Punjab have suspended supply to consumers.

The general public has appealed to the government for help in this regard.


Anonymous | 14 years ago | Reply What all is happening in Pakistan was never written in the manifesto written by Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto (Shaheed). May Al-Mighty Allah give courage to voters (who voted in favour of PPP after her death) to bear the tragic loss of their hard earned money. Ameen.
Asad | 14 years ago | Reply Who will help the Govt ???????? z there any check n balance ????
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