While addressing his party workers in Charsadda on Friday, the ANP chief, without naming any institution, said no entity other than Parliament could hold the government accountable, which was answerable to the masses.
Top military commanders this week had expressed their concern over the lack of ‘governance initiatives’ to complement counter-terrorism operations.
Lack of governance initiatives worries army
The ANP leader said previously western powers used to raise 'do more' slogans but now the same voices were being raised within the country.
Asfandyar pointed out that all institutions should work within their constitutionally-defined roles, and refrain from interfering in the domain of others.
He also criticised the PTI-led Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government for suppressing their opponents under the garb of accountability.
“If Imran Khan is sincere in his efforts against corruption, he must take action against those corrupt politicians within his party ranks,” he added.
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