The death of hope

Editorial April 28, 2010
The death of hope

The process of murdering professionals from other provinces in Balochistan continues unabated. The manner in which the latest killing of a woman professor of the Balochistan University was carried out, with the 50-yearold victim dragged out of a rickshaw and shot at point-blank range, is shocking. The crude efforts at a kind of ethnic cleansing, claimed this time round by the shadowy Balochistan Liberation Army, adds to the disputes between various groups that threaten to turn our country into a veritable killing field.

Chaos has increased so rapidly that anarchy prevails in many places. In Quetta, and other parts of Balochistan, the authorities seem helpless and frankly speaking it seems as if nobody cares. For years this kind of violence has been going on -- although its intensity has increased in recent months. The people targeted are killed in broad daylight but their killers are never found. The people are left wondering what kind of state they live in where security of their life and property is not guaranteed -- and the result is the death of hope.

The element of revenge that underlies the killings adds to complications. The BLA says Nazima Talib was killed in revenge for the murder of two Baloch women and the torture of others. This of course does not justify the gunning down of an academic who had taught in her adopted province for over 20 years and was also a talented writer and poet. She deserved greater hospitality in Balochistan than what she received. But at the same time it is important to keep in mind that the situation we have today in Balochistan is partially the result of many years of unrest and resentment in the province caused by a sense of alienation from the rest of the country.

It has been the failure to tackle these issues that has allowed them to assume such dangerous proportions. A lot of injustices of the past need to undone -- and only then can we hope to see the situation change for the better.


rehan | 14 years ago | Reply Musharraf also failed to tackle Fazlullah and let him turn into a monster.Lal Masjid was right under his nose and specs.But the garb of 'helplessness against the suicide hungry "jihadis"'has let many off the hook.Mr.Editor, our hope lies in bringing him out of his cosy apartment in England into the 'dark'(cortesy:WAPDA) courtroom of Pakistan..if the judiciary has for a change started working(or so it seems).Only then can there be hope for injustice being undone.
Nadir El Edroos | 14 years ago | Reply Shocking and deplorable! Sadly our government and media will move on to the next big story in a day or two and this sad incident will be swept under the rug. I hope that the ET will at some future point question those investigating this sorry incident as to what exactly happened? If anyone was caught? and what measures are being taken to protect members of society?
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