Operation not against a particular party: Nisar extends talks offer to MQM

Says neither Rangers nor Pak Army are against the political party; MQM boycotts session over 'extra judicial killings'

Web Desk August 10, 2015
Interior minister says neither Rangers nor Pakistan Army are targeting MQM. PHOTO: AFP

ISLAMABAD: Interior minister Chaudhry Nisar has reiterated that neither Rangers nor Pakistan Army nor the ongoing security operation in Karachi was against the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) adding that the government was ready to sit down with the political party to discuss persisting issues and resolve them.

Addressing the National Assembly on Monday, Nisar said the problem lies not with the paramilitary force but with speeches of MQM chief Altaf Hussain, Express News reported.

"MQM has no control over what their leader says in his speeches from London," the interior minister lamented.

Read: Altaf defaming Pakistan and its institutions: Nisar

He furthered that the government has credible evidence gathered from Nine Zero during the Rangers' raid there and which suspects they went there for.

"We are ready to make that evidence public," Nisar said and added that there has to be some accountability of the arms recovered from MQM headquarters.

Read: Blame game: MQM lashes out at Nisar

On August 1, the interior minister had said that the purpose of MQM chief's speech was to defame Pakistan as well as its institutions.

“Altaf Hussain’s speech from London was a humiliation for the country,” he said, while addressing a press conference in Islamabad.

He added that Altaf blamed the military for creating rifts in the party, and invited India to intervene in Karachi’s affairs.

MQM boycotts NA session

Meanwhile, MQM parliamentarian Syed Ali Raza Abidi said the party has boycotted the National Assembly session in protest against, what he termed, extra judicial killing, and Kasur tragedy.


S.R.H. Hashmi | 9 years ago | Reply If the Karachi operation is not against a particular party, why is it that Chaudhry Nisar and other officials have to keep making this pronouncement almost on a weekly basis? According to the Supreme Court, there were many parties which had militant wings but in the media, we only see MQM’s name being mentioned, with horrible details to complete the media trial, and to make a big impact. However, we do not hear much in the way of follow up. Nisar has very kindly offered to sit down with the political party (MQM) to discuss persisting issues ad resolve them. However, how much one can rely on his words can be judged from the fact that right at the start of Karachi operation, he had promised to form a committee of impartial persons of integrity to see that the operation is conducted in an unbiased manner. However, despite his promise, which was repeated on several occasions, that committee never got formed. Chaudhry Nisar also said in the National Assembly that the problem does not lie with the paramilitary force but with speeches of MQM Chief Altaf Hussain. However, he has simply ignored the fact that Altaf Hussain’s speeches do not kill, extra-judicially or otherwise. As for Chaudhry Nisar’s statement that military is not involved with Karachi operations how does he explain Karachi Corps Commander Lt-Gen. Naveed Mukhtar sitting on the Karachi Apex Committee and holding meetings with Sindh Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah? Chaudhry Nisar also ignored the fact that if medical facilities could not be made available to ailing Qamar Mansoor despite many requests and even court orders, what choice one is left with but to air the grievance internationally. And the countries which really care about their reputation do not indulge in such practices. And as for Altaf Hussain seeking physical international intervention in Pakistan, I don’t think foreign countries will rush their army, navy and air force to Pakistan to honour Altaf Hussain’s word. Of course it has to be a complete idiot to believe in such a possibility, so risk of foreign intervention was not there at all, except in the minds of people who experience hallucinations. And isn’tit surprising that the talks are being offered to MQM after nearly two years of a fierce operation. As compared to that, with Taliban and other militants who had killed over fifty thousand Pakistanis including soldiers and policemen, and have done around hundred billion dollars worth of damage to Pakistan’s economy, talks were the first and preferred choice. However, the army chief lost patience and started Operation Zarb-e-Arz, announcing it through ISPR, leaving government no choice but to own it up. And it is a fact that in the past, efforts were made to promote MQM Haqiqi to take over MQM (Altaf) but the plan failed. Karachi
John | 9 years ago | Reply Yeah talk to them for sure but the problem is that the way this party works, they only understand an Ak-47 talking as that's how MQM rolls. They will threat and intimidate when powerful and fall down your knees in a second and cry foul when cornered. Reminds of what Tupac said "Live by the Gun, Die by the Gun"
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