Security protocol right of Musharraf: Malik

Naureen Aqueel/express April 27, 2010

ISLAMABAD: Interior Minister, Rehman Malik while speaking to the media said security protocol is the right of all former prime ministers and presidents including Pervez Musharraf.

Earlier reports in the media had indicated that the Pakistani and British governments had decided to withdraw security protocol from former Pakistani president Pervez Musharraf after the UN fact finding reports had held the Musharraf government responsible for the assassination of Benazir Bhutto.

According to earlier reports in the British media, the retired general is reported to have tight security around his apartment in London with a team of retired Pakistani commandos guarding him on his own expense, in addition to a protection detail from Scotland Yard.


Fakhar | 14 years ago | Reply People disturbed by withdrawl of protocol for Mush should look at our history what kind of protocol and security was given to Z.A.Bhutto, Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif by military dictators. Musharaf should be tried on many counts for harming Pakistan and its people and leaders.
Nadir El Edroos | 14 years ago | Reply Its his "right"? What about the rights of all those people who have disappeared during his presidency?
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