Adajania took to Facebook on Friday to address the reactions on the video. “Owing to such an overwhelming mix of reactions, I want to restate that our film #MyChoice is a reminder that all women’s choices, however unconventional anyone can imagine, are their own,” posted Adajania, stating that he recently returned from a diving assignment in South Andaman, where he had no network access and hence, the online silence.
He clarified that the intention behind the film does not, in any way, advocate or promote the actions in the words. “We all have to make choices in life after considering the consequences. It’s a two-and-a-half minute clip that obviously can’t cover such a complex issue and is simply a form of expression to underline the fact that a woman’s choice, in no uncertain terms, belongs to her and no one else,” read his post.
Clarifying what the video attempted to convey, the filmmaker added, “For those who got this and still didn’t agree with the film, that is their choice and I totally respect that. For those who felt the message was unclear and are upset in any way, I promise that was never my intention.” He further said, “For those who think it is sexist or male-bashing, it is talking to a man with a caged-mind and not to liberated people out there, who treat women with respect and equality. And for those who got it and supported it, thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
Adajania is willing to “take the hit” again if that is what will get people to talk about gender equality. “Ironically, the misunderstanding is what made #MyChoice go explosively viral and if that’s what it takes to get people discussing gender equality, then I am willing to take the hit and be misunderstood. More power to women and let’s hope that a healthy discussion on gender equality continues,” he concluded. Posted on March 28 on YouTube, the video has been viewed over eight million times.
Published in The Express Tribune, April 14th, 2015.
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