Pakistan summons Indian envoy, lodges protests on 'unnecessary hype' over Lakhvi's release

Indian reaction to Lakhvi's bail is 'unwarranted and immature', says foreign office

Kamran Yousaf March 13, 2015
Islamabad High Court on Friday ordered the release of alleged mastermind of the Mumbai attacks Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi, and declared his detention illegal. PHOTO: AFP

ISLAMABAD: The Foreign office summoned a senior Indian diplomat in Islamabad on Friday to lodge a strong protest over what it called 'unnecessary hype' created by New Delhi over the release of the alleged Mumbai attack mastermind.

Earlier in the day, Islamabad High Court ordered the release of Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi, and declared his detention illegal.


Read: IHC declares Lakhvi's detention illegal


"We have conveyed our concerns that Indian reaction is unwarranted and immature," a senior official at the foreign office said while briefing reporters here on Friday.

The official, who requested not to be identified, said that the Indian Deputy High Commissioner was summoned in the foreign office and was told that release of Lakhvi does not mean end of Mumbai trial.

"India should not make irrational demands such as interfering in the judicial process. Let the law takes its course," the official added.

The official pointed out that the trial of Mumbai suspects, including Lakhvi, was still underway and India must not pass judgement before the courts reach a final verdict.

Pakistan also expressed its concerns regarding the way Pakistani High Commissioner in New Delhi Abdul Basit was summoned by Indian authorities. "We call Ambassadors but it is done quietly. While the Indian external affairs ministry called our Ambassador for meeting at the same time they leaked it to the media."

The official regretted that Indian attitude appears to suggest that it wanted to whip up anti-Pakistan sentiments.

On Friday, India summoned Pakistan’s High Commissioner Abdul Basit to convey its objection to the court’s order, NDTV reported.

“He may have been granted bail but as you know the trial continues, we are all working to complete the trial. Let the judicial process take its course,” Basit said after the meeting.

In its reaction, the Indian home ministry said, “It is the responsibility of Pakistan’s government to take all legal measures to ensure that Lakhvi does not come out of jail,” Zee News reported.

The ministry cautioned Pakistan to realise that “there are no good or bad terrorists.”

“The overwhelming evidence against 2008 Mumbai attack mastermind Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi has not been presented properly before court by Pakistani agencies,” home ministry said.

Drawing comparison between Samjhota train terrorist attack and Mumbai attack, the official said Pakistan never reacted when Indian courts granted bail to the mastermind of Sajhota train incident, although he had of confessed his involvement.

Unlike, Mumbai case, there was ample evidence available in Samjhota train attack, yet Indian authorities were reluctant to start the trial, the official added.

He further maintained that India's reluctance to start trial of Samjhota attack perpetrators could be attributed to the fact that the case might implicate the Indian defence establishment as well as Hindu hardliners.


hnr | 9 years ago | Reply Lakhvi needs to be freed as his skills are in demand by IS and Bokornaram.the decsion has this far sighted perspective in view.
Tony Singh | 9 years ago | Reply @the Skunk: You guys are waiting for another Peshawar so that you come to your senses?
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