He said freedom of speech should not be used to hurt the religious sentiments of any community.
The premier said the publication of provocative material should be discouraged by the international community.
NA passes resolution condemning Charlie Hebdo's latest edition
National Assembly on Thursday passed a resolution, condemning the latest edition of recently-attacked French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, Express News reported.
Twelve people were killed on January 7 when two Kalashnikov-wielding men burst into Charlie Hebdo’s editorial meeting and sprayed bullets at the staff members for printing cartoons of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). In its latest edition after the attack, the magazine published a cartoon of the Prophet (pbuh) on its cover.
Garnering criticism from different segments, the cover was also condemned by lawmakers in Pakistan with Railways Minister Khawaja Saad Rafique presenting the resolution against it.
The resolution was unanimously approved by the Parliament.
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Was there any resolution against burning Christians alive in Pakistan or against killing cartoonists and journalists ? Was there any resolution against the killers who think that their religion is so weak that in order to protect it they have to kill unarmed journalists or put a poor woman in jail for blasphemy , was there any resolution when illiterate bearded men praise terrorists and refuse to call soldiers as martyrs ? Did I miss those resolutions or in the land of idiots such resolutions cannot happen because of cowardice ? I'm not sure which is more pathetic , cowardice or being an idiot ?
Sharif and Modi should have shown up in Paris along with the other leaders - could have shown some solidarity against violence in the name of religion.
@Urban Legend: Enough with the lies already. Giving an anti-semitic speech is NOT illegal in USA. There are many anti-semitic pages on facebook despite Zuckenberg himself being a jew. Facebook has far greater visibility than the Charlie Hebdo newspaper. A simple google search with 'facebook anti-semiism' can expose this lie.
Thank God, they finally woke up
Pakistan must use its political clout, whatever we have, to raise our voice against this. Why no European or American dare talk anything anti-semitic? Double standards of the West when it comes to true Islam.
How about a resolution condemning the attack on Charlie Hebdo? Or is the right to live and other individual rights the sole domain of the followers of certain specific religion only? Others being lesser mortals.
@Shahid: Start by returning them their submarines and mig fighters. also boycott immigrating to France !!!
America';s Presence in the region is certainly not to benefit Pakistan, rather to hurt her with extensive use of Raymond Davis Network, Blackwater, Drones, New FORTRESS disguised as an embassy in Islamabad.
No matter how much we try to please America her number one will always be India and Pakistan will always be met with the standars Mantra "Pakistan needs to do more".
Pakistan needs to become truly independant!
Good. Now for a resuolutin againgst Chinese government for banning the burkha.
@Acorn Guts: So do you think we should go on a killing spree until the French bat an eyelid?
please don't buy French products.
boycott france
yawn. pass all the resolutions you want, nobody's gonna vote for you when the time comes.
Proving once more that our Parliament is....good for nothing.
Condemning is OK, but killing is not.
You will need to pass similar resolution after each issue! And, why did we not pass such resolutions in the past?
This is the proper way to protest and convince people about what they are doing is wrong.
In other news, no one in France batted an eyelid.
What's the point? how about a resolution against taking out rallies supporting terrorists? Lets fix our problems at home first. #misplaced_priorities