US embassy dismisses JI accusations

Express April 21, 2010


The US Embassy said on Wednesday that the allegations made by the former Jamat-e-Islami Chief, Qazi Hussain Ahmed of US involvement in the Qissa Khawani Bazaar blast are absurd.

The embassy said it has been providing assistance to Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa Police Force to eliminate terrorist elements from the province.

Earlier, Qazi Hussain Ahmed has asked the government to closely monitor US influence in the country.


Shahid | 14 years ago | Reply Absurd indeed to blame USA for bomb blasts in Peshawar. Terrorism is the brain-child of these mullahs. Jammat-e-Islami has no public support. It is the B-team of army and it wants to cash-in on the dead in Peshawar.
Hafiz Abdul rahman | 14 years ago | Reply All the pakistanies knows that the amirican'ns are not our friends due to thair religion.we Know that the amirican's are going to un
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