BB's assassination: UN report aftermath

Express April 20, 2010

ISLAMABAD: The officers who have been made OSD by the federal government in the light of UN commission report on assassination of Benazir Bhutto are still working in their respective offices and no new officers have been appointed in their places.

The government had made 6 officers including former DCO Rawalpindi Irfan Elahi as OSD and their names were also put on ECL.

The others who were made OSD included the then DIG, Abdul Majeed Murawwat, who is now working as AIG Punjab. Former CPO Rawalpindi Saud Aziz is serving as DIG Multan. Former SP Operation, Yasin Farooq, SP Khurram Shahza and SP Ashfaq Anwar were also made OSD but they are still holding their offices.

Sources informed that no one among them had reported to establishment division so far.

Additionally, Director General Rescue 1122 , Dr Rizwan Naseer said on Tuesday that the site of the fatal attack on Benazir Bhutto was washed down by order of former City Police Officer Rawalpindi Saud Aziz.

Dr Rizwan Naseer was speaking at a press conference in Lahore. He said rescuers requested police to collect the evidence but were told to wash the site instead. According to an internal inquiry report of rescue 1122, the rescuers were not responsible for the site being washed and the report has been sent to the government.


Beangerge | 14 years ago | Reply Very Good site, thank yo mister, it's help's me!
Fayyaz Alam | 14 years ago | Reply This report reminds me of an old joke. A person, whose son was charged with murder, was looking for a lawyer. One lawyer quoted him 50 Thousand rupees as his fee. The person thought this lawyer is cheap so he went to the expensive one. He paid 5 Lac rupees. After a few month he ran into that old lawyer. That lawyer asked, 'What happened to your son'?. 'He got hanged', replied the old man. The lawyer got angry:'Oh my God! why you paid 5 Lac when I could have done the same thing with 50 Thousand rupees?'. UN report has given me the confidence that I could have reached the same conclusion with much less money!
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