18th amendment challenged in SC

Express April 20, 2010

ISLAMABAD: The 18th amendment has been challenged in Supreme Court's Lahore registry.

The petition has been filed by Barrister Zafarullah who has requested the court to declare the 18th amendment null and void.

The petitioner claims the amendment has created imbalance in the system and that the parliament has no power to change the basic structure of the constitution.

Barrister Zafarullah further observes that by abolishing party elections, party heads have been made dictators. The petition also challenges the procedure for appointment of superior courts’ judges provided in the 18th Constitutional Amendment.

This is the third petition to be filed against the eighteenth amendment over the past week.


Arsalan | 14 years ago | Reply This is brilliant!! Which ever way you look at it; this is JUST BRILLIANT!! Keep the masses busy in these debates which have ABSOLUTELY NO CONSEQUENTIAL bearing on the common man. All this does is allow advocates/supporters of Judiciary to support the Judiciaries views, PPP supporters to support PPP's views, etc etc. I can keep going on, but I think its clear what I am trying to say. Where is the PSDP? Where is the Electricity which was SO talked about prior to December 2009? Where is the GDP growth? Where is the employment? Where are the equal opportunities? Why is inflation not stopping when it comes to ORDINARY items like WHEAT, SUGAR, PETROL? Why are Americans dictating my foreign policy?? Why is Baluchistan not been given its due attention? ETC, ETC, ETC!!!! I am a common man who is trying to make a simple living to keep his household running. I think i was happier with the previous setup. I won't say, "that setup was perfecct". BUT I WILL SAY, "that setup was better than THIS". i return home in a cab everyday after work. Taxi drivers in this DIVERSE city offer baluchis, pakhtuns, punjabis, sindhis, urdu-speaking, sirayiki and what not. All have VERY SIMILAR opinions. Our prevailing leaders in the government AND the OPPOSITION are a laughing point. Our media personnel are not far off either. All they are looking for are issues to politicize so that more people watch their channel. Keep the jokes coming is all I can say. At least we can laugh at these things, even though the reality is such that we should be crying!!
Dr. Mohammad Afzal Khan | 14 years ago | Reply Let the process go on. There are several things to keep in mind: the way the elections were held by Musharraf and the circumstances surrounding the elections, the quality of parliamentarians that we have, their abilities (or disabilities!),prejudices and practices and moral committments; the newly freed judiciary of which we arre not used to; the kingly behaviour of the government; no accountability and many more factors. Just let the things go on, at least the direction is right. I am sure that ultimately sensibility will prevail.
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