The Indian High Commission issued a statement on Wednesday warning that such visa applications would be rejected and the applicants permanently denied entry to India.
“It has been reported that forged polio certificates are being submitted with India visa applications. This is a serious offence.
Detection of any forged documentation would result in summary rejection of the visa application and permanent denial of visa for future travel also,” reads the statement.
Visa applicants are being advised to comply strictly with the polio certification requirements. Pakistan leads a list of the remaining few countries in the world where polio cases are still being reported.
Published in The Express Tribune, October 9th, 2014.
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@Hari Om : Good piece of research. Good Job. It is difficult to understand Pakistan the reasons behind polio spread and Government is a sitting duck.
@Truth: Spot on..
@HumanBeing: Toilet certificate??? Is that the best argument you could come up with such a long comment?? I wish if people like you had put much time in getting polio drops to kids in your country than writing this comment, Pakistan could have been polio free.
@Soofia Malik: Wow you are quoting an AFP in upper limb as a polio case. even a suspicion is important and we are making sure it's not the case. It's NOT polio but a suspicious case. You are amazing but hey what can we expect from you... And no we won't be leaving anything that concerns India whether you like it or not...
@Soofia Malik: There is no Polio in India since last three years and we would like to keep it that way but expecting facts or sense on this forum is as rare as blue moon
I am surprised at the number of comments shamelessly made by Indians on a Pakistani news website which suggests our so-called friends across the border do not have much to do. Obviously in a country whose population is nearing to China's but way behind in economics, ppl would be unemployed and have a higher than normal nuisance value.
Now after reading the news article above, my first comment would be; India has assumed the polio certificates are fake and have adopted a usual policy of over reacting beforehand. An Indian newspaper reporting this news is not credible because their media is bent upon bashing Pakistan to gain ratings. Even an official statement by Indian Authority is not good enough because the Indian Government has no intentions of befriending Pakistan despite continuous efforts by the Pakistani Government.
As far as the issue of certification goes I agree with WB's earlier comment (btw the rest of the comments by WB are by another blogger adopting the same name and is anti-Pak): Pakistan should ask for toilet certificates from Indians. I do not think Pakistan needs to humiliate Indians, rather its a simple matter of personal hygiene. Its interesting India has the technology to send a probe to Mars thumbs up India, but lacks the technology to build toilets which nearly half the population doesn't have access to and do not know how to use one. Polio spreads through an infected persons waste and it is hard to believe India is polio free (another Indian propaganda to please the west) as nearly half of the population defecates on the streets and corners to the extent that the locals governments need to remove this waste manually (
So because Polio in India is under diagnosed, under reported and Indians are at a higher risk than any country in the world to spread polio, I suggest all Indians be subject to mandatory checks on proper use of a toilet when they travel abroad. Infact, there should be a separate line before immigration where they must produce a valid certificate, with a validity of one month, that they have successfully been taught how to use a toilet, dispose of the waste and can wash their hands with soap. After they have provided the certificate, they should be checked by immigration authorities if they can actually use a toilet as stated on their certificate. Another useful addition to the visa applications for Indians should be that if they can't for whatever reason be toilet trained, they should nominate another Indian who has a valid certificate so that the waste can be properly disposed of by the nominated applicant, manually or otherwise.
These protocols need to be adopted otherwise very soon there will be human excreta on Mars.
@Soofia Malik: Its only a suspected case and not confirmed.The boy suffers paralysis in the arm,while polio affects the lower limbs according to the health secretary.The fact that Indian officials are testing the boys samples,shows how seriously they are about polio.Not necessary to crow about this incident.Even if it is a case of polio,will it change the fact that polio is rampant in Pakistan.Or will you be consoled that India has one reported case of polio
Pakistan has already managed to infect Syria, Egypt, Iraq and Israel. With travel of Pakistani’s to India permitted, it is only a matter of time before India, particularly Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Punjab, Rajasthan and Gujarat gets infected by wild polio transmitted by Pakistani’s.
For the Polio havoc played by Pakistan, checkout links below.
Polio infection in Syria traced back to Pakistan:
Polio infection in Egypt traced back to Pakistan:
Polio infection in Israel and Iraq traced back to Pakistan:
A couple of days ago The Hindu reported that Rajasthan was concerned about polio infections being exported from Pakistan:
@Kushal: "Pronouncing Narendra as Narender, is a North Indian trend, not just Pakistani"
Correct. WB's point seems to be that North Indians frequently mispronounce names of those from east west and south. Reading his email made that apparent. He ascribes this unwillingness to make the effort to pronoune names from rest of India correctly as arrogance.
Both the instances namely election results of 2013 are fake and now polio certificates are fake and therefore these both instances qualify to shout GO NAWAZ GO. Iqbal Hadi Zaidi
@Soofia Malik: It looks like the Huffingtonpost link I had posted does not work properly. He is another link.
About 20 Polio like cases were found in California recently.
@Soofia Malik: In May this year 20 such cases were suspected in California.
Read this news item.
Hold on dear Aisha. I am not here to contest your figure of 2.3 million suffering from AIDS in India. Do you know what that number might be in Pakistan? I bet you don't and you will never know the accurate number. Want to know why? First, the disease is a taboo and very few Pakistanis, if any - out of fear for being labelled as blasphemous - want to acknowledge that the practice exists. Secondly, Pakistan doesn't have the resources needed to conduct an accurate assessment, a prerequisite and an essential tool for tackling the disease head-on.
In the absence of any meaningful data, you are free to even conclude that there are no AIDS cases in Pakistan, unless you want to acknowledge it's existence among only the Pakistani minorities. The majority will gladly accept that lie.
@Soofia Malik:
Not so soon, dear Soofia. For a simple reason that the test results are awaited, you should hold your horses until they come back positive. Thus far, your chirping has proved nothing.
There are a few distinctions that you should know before jumping to a conclusion. Granted, it could possibly turn out to be a case of polio. Just as one patient that recently died in a US hospital doesn't mean that Ebola is prevalent in the US, the same way, one isolated incident of possible polio case found in a remote corner of India doesn't make the entire country facing a polio epidemic.
Did you overlook the fact that the case has generated an immediate and overwhelming concern and response to get to the bottom of the issue? The case, even when only a suspicion, wasn't swept under the rug. If it turns out to be a confirmed case of polio, do you know the protocol that the Health Ministry will have to go through to locate and eradicate the cause? Compare that to the polio vaccination being actively discouraged and the vaccination workers targeted and killed by bomb blasts in Pakistan.
By your own account, what's 'the honorable thing to do would be – not show up on this or any other Pakistani website' until you do your bit in eradicating polio from Pakistan.
Fair, guys and gals?
@ All Indians here : We are not interested to visit a country who's 2.3 million suffering from AIDS. Indians movies has made picture in your mind about Pakistan. that we are having Grass. Its a complete lie . But what else we can expect from a country who is master in lobbying against Pakistan at every platform. Thanks for your comments so new generation of Pakistan who was much interested in watching Starplust can see your real faces.
TERRORIST were favt of West in russia war later they all were dump in Pakistan and calling us terrorist . i wish you guys can see and thing except Pakistan. ISIS is another product of West and Middle east lords policies. there Pakistan is not involve but I am 10000% sure if its possible for you guys to involve Pakistan in it you will do it at any cost.
Well long time back I suggested that Indian embassy should itself administer the polio drops to the people wishing to travel India. The cost could be added in VISA application fee. No more fear of forge certificates.
@sanjeev jha: Dear friend , defending the country does not mean people from across the border come with forged polio certificates. The polio team has done a lot here to eradicate and I wish the same for Pakistan. This disease takes a self respect of the inflicted individual. Talk politics, we don't care to differ but healthcare is different from politics. I listen to Pakistani friends in politics and respect their reason to differ but not incase of polio or other healthcare issues for people with forged certificates. Rab rakha
@WB-ji: **"I have heard many Pakistanis mispronouncing Indian names all the time. At least being an Indian and calling yourself Panditji, pronounce the names properly.
It’s not Narender Modi. It’s Narendra Modi. Sorry, it’s not a small mistake. There is a wrong culture behind that mistake. It’s a culture of arrogance. That’s why I took the trouble of commenting.'**Looks like you are too angry after your latest interaction with Soofia.. Pronouncing Narendra as Narender, is a North Indian trend, not just Pakistani. Heard that song? 'Haappy barthday, Narenderjiii"? If not try on youtube. The girl who sang it was not Pakistani by any definition. And by the way, Panditji has asked the Pakistanis to comply with the rules in a most humble manner. Where was the arrogance in it?
@Soofia Malik: Please wait for the medical report to come out. The doctors have said it can be a neurological disease too. They have not confirmed polio and the doctors are at it. No mudslinging, forged certificates are a cause of concern for us and Pakistanis there. Health care is not war. Please don't justify the indefensible. Rab rakha
Dear Pakistani Brothers, pls dont feel that India is acting arrogantly to Pakistan. Infact under our new honorable Prime Minister Shree Narender Modiji, India is taking active steps to promote peace and brotherly relations with our dear neighbors. India is insisting on polio cases as many Pakistanis are now afraid to take Polio Vaccination due to the dictatorship of the Talibans in remote areas under their brutal rule. This will not affect majority of Pakistanis and only those who do not have polio vaccination will be affected (which is still low). I hope you brothers and sisters understand and will comply willingly with the request from Shree Narender Modiji.
@WB: Do Pakistanis have in their genes to lie? Or is it an acquired habit?
Partly genetic, partly the result of brainwashing in their schools.
@Soofia Malik: I understand your patriotism but call a spade a spade. The fact is that pakistan is a nursery of polio and it is hurting pakistan more than India or any other country. it is a failure on our part, why blame others?
@Soofia Malik:
"So first you call ALL Pakistanis genetic liars and demand proof, and when proof is given you try to deny it. I think it won’t be unfair if I call all Indians genetically incapable of understanding the words ‘honour’ and ‘truth’."
Are you semi literate Soofia?
Do you understand the difference between a suspicion and "india already has polio infection according to their own newspaper reports yesterday"?
Repeat, do you understand the difference between a suspicion and "india already has polio infection according to their own newspaper reports yesterday".
I demand an apology from you for lying and defending your lie with more lies.
@Soofia Malik: So first you call ALL Pakistanis genetic liars
No, not at all. Just you, your military and their supporters. The rest are good people.
In the West it is a well known fact that no one wants to visit Pakistan. All those who are saying that Indians should be given an equal response will fall on deaf ears. Pakistan is now in a deep hole which it cannot come out. Sir Ian Botham famously said that "you would not evan take your mother in law to Pakistan". I think his quote sums up what Pakistan is - a failed state which promotes terrorism.
@ajeet - We need people like you, to shut up.
@WB: @Soofia Malik: As Pakistan is full of polio cases, there is always the risk of infection-carrying persons coming across. So if Pakistan is knowingly allowing people to leave the country through forged vaccination certificates then it is a straight case of covert biological warfare.
@All indian commentators: So first you call ALL Pakistanis genetic liars and demand proof, and when proof is given you try to deny it. I think it won't be unfair if I call all Indians genetically incapable of understanding the words 'honour' and 'truth'.
So sad, really.
@Soofia Malik: We need to fond out which religion the boy belongs to.
@soofia Well from what I see the article does not state that the kid has polio - It is "suspected" that the kid has polio - with many counter arguments. Moreover how did India "managed to make the world believe" that they did not have polio. If that were the intention wouldn't it have been better to not send the samples abroad for confirmation and keep it all hushed up.
But dont you understand - if one suspected case in so many years is making national headline then India is very very wary of polio. And then taking a tough stance on fake certificates is not a stance against Pakistan, but Polio - and it makes sense.
And lets face it - Pakistan is a serious threat to polio as compared to India. Has a suspected case of polio ever been a national news in Pakistan?
@Soofia Malik: like every loyal citizen of country ..u r right in justifying your country and i will my own...why not we can we.move ahead...justifying humanity first...globe..lets not hurt by this all diplomatic policies and be demeaned ...we as an asian seen not in a good.light by westerners,,.but r we bad.. pls.join in the cause for polio eradication in ur countey rather googling one polio case hete in india...,it will not solve ur country issues...humanity issues... if u r science student (chemical reaction for instance...then u.must know nothing is 100%.,,so nothing can be eradicated for can dormant mode...but one can work towards nearest to eradication,,,with love to all pakistanis and.humans in world... love jha
Isn't it obvious on India's part to ask pakistanis not to show up with fake polio certificates?? Iam surprised by some of the comments by pakistanis! They seem to be saying 'why is India not allowing our people with fake polio certificates?' Amazing! So unless everything is right within India, like a perfect world,(which doesn't exist), they have no right to ask the Pakistanis to enter India on genuine documents! And this is when India hasn't even invited them, but they are coming here for their own treatments, jobs, bollywood offers, education or asylum.
@Soofia Malik: Why do Pakistanis slander others just to deflect attention from their own problems? If you read the report, it says that it is most likely NOT polio.
@Soofia Malik a case of AFP does not mean polio alone,it has a lot of differential diagnosis like GB syndrome,transverse myelitis.A suspicion is not a diagnosis.Dont generalise everything esp.when the fact is about India.Eid mubarak.
@Soofia Malik:
And you have said another blatant lie. If the case is reported in Indian news papers (which is only a suspicion), then how is it that India had made the world believe that we're polio free.
If Soofia Malik sitting in 16 hour power short village in Pak can google, so can WHO, so can the rest of the world.
And here's your lie.
"they managed to make the world believe they were polio free but reality has come back to bite them"
Two lies in one comment. I demand a groveling apology.
its not a case of humiliating any country . Every country has the right to safeguard its people from diseases which can come from outside countries.
...and by the way, the case is of an 18 month old boy from firozepur village, sandi block, hardoi district, uttar pradesh province of india, there.
Nice not knowing you. Bye!
With Pakistan’s levels of corruption and track record of counterfeiting Indian currency notes, it was inevitable that illegally obtained and counterfeit vaccination certificates would become a problem for Indian authorities charged with enforcing this requirement. So in order to prevent the polio virus joining the list of other unwelcome exports from Pakistan into India; namely terrorists, heroin and counterfeit Indian currency notes, it would be more prudent for India to just stop providing visa’s to Pakistanis to visit India and simultaneously prohibit Indian’s from visiting Pakistan.
India should not permit herself to be swayed by sympathy inducing arguments about the need for maintaining people to people contact, helping divided families and using visit visa’s as confidence building measure to foster peace. India must instead be free to enjoy the fruits of eschewing the temptation of acquiring lots of nuclear “bums” and weapon systems in order to make resources available for polio eradication unlike Pakistan.
@WB: Do Pakistanis have in their genes to lie? Or is it an acquired habit? @numbersnumbers: Please submit that nugget of information or we may all have to conclude that you just made that story up to smear India!
Search for "Polio scare as child shows symptoms" on Times of India website. Its a news item reported by Times News Network correspondent Shailvee Sharda and timelined October 5, 2014, 01:18AM Indian Standard Time.
And Messers numbernumber and WB already know what the honourable thing to do would be after I have given this evidence - not show up on this or any other Pakistani website again.
Fair, guys?
@WB: please enlighten us how many % of Pakistan population have toilet facility...?? recently I read a article in Tribune about the lack of toilet facility for many Pakistani population, so don't find fault with every action of India - because India with 1.25 billion population and with huge land mass to eradicate the polio took mammoth task and it will be wise to prevent the polio occurring again with all measures...!!
@Soofia Malik:
As if there's a huge rush of Indians who desperately want to get to Pakistan! And if Pakistanis feel offended (not that it takes much to offend a Pakistani) by Indian laws,please don't come. You are not welcome.
Why should we allow Pakistanis to visit India anyways?.They should move westward to people closer to their ethnicity and cultural customs, not eastward into India.Pls ban Pakistanis from visiting India and likewise.
@Soofia Malik:
"What impudence. india already has polio infection according to their own newspaper reports yesterday – they managed to make the world believe they were polio free but reality has come back to bite them. I think now Pakistan should insist on polio, AIDS, tuberculosis and plague certificates before allowing any indian a visa. Around 50% indians are TB carriers according to WHO."
Do Pakistanis have in their genes to lie? Or is it an acquired habit?
@Soofia Malik: You somehow neglected to report which "Indian newspaper" reported a polio case in India yesterday! Please submit that nugget of information or we may all have to conclude that you just made that story up to smear India!
@AhsanAusaf Ali:
"Ohh for gods sake, when i came to korea a month back they didnt even ask for the certificate, , apparently india takes every opportunity to make pakistan feel inferior but they dont see that 600 million indians dont even have a bathroom, grow up pleasestrong text"
Pakistan should insist on toilet certificate from Indians applying for Pakistani visa.
tit for tat and Pakistan can now humiliate Indians.
I am a Pakistani and fully support these checks / measures by any country to protect itself from any discrease. Although the authorities are doing efforts to control this disease in Pakistan but not sure what is being done for these forged certificates. I suggest all countries (including Pakistan) should administer polio drops to all individuals travelling to and from Pakistan. No harm in taking extra measures.
First its India, next it will be whole world. Everyone knows how fake documents can be obtained in the subcontinent. By the way India is no better when it comes to fake documents.
Ohh for gods sake, when i came to korea a month back they didnt even ask for the certificate, , apparently india takes every opportunity to make pakistan feel inferior but they dont see that 600 million indians dont even have a bathroom, grow up please
Pakistani agents who send patients to India for medical reasons make their own fake polio certifications.
What impudence. india already has polio infection according to their own newspaper reports yesterday - they managed to make the world believe they were polio free but reality has come back to bite them. I think now Pakistan should insist on polio, AIDS, tuberculosis and plague certificates before allowing any indian a visa. Around 50% indians are TB carriers according to WHO.
Or tempororily stop issuing visa;s to green passport for all catogeries except diplomatic..At least 2-3 months..