According to eye witness reports there was an exchange of gunfire prior to the blasts that continued for 30 minutes. Sindh Home Minister Zulfiqar Mirza also confirmed that five to six people opened fire before the explosion.
According to Ahmed Jung, sources claimed that the CID had received a bomb threat yesterday (Wednesday). CID had arrested a high profile terrorist 'Iqbal' belonging to the Mehsud tribe yesterday and had received a threat in that regard.
A lot of data on terrorists is feared to be lost in this explosion.
So far, 15 people are being reported dead, while more than 100 have been injured. According to Express 24/7 Correspondent Ahmed Jung, the number of injured is expected to rise. Two FC officials were found injured inside the building. Women and children have also been wounded in the attack.
Rescue efforts
Hospitals are appealing for blood donations for the injured.
Express 24/7 Masror Hausen reports that 80 to 90 people have been brought into Jinnah Hospital, who were not critically injured.
According to Masror Hausen, in the initial panic outside Jinnah Hospital, Rangers arrested a person carrying a gun. The man claimed that he was a member of the CID. However, he did not have an ID card and so he was arrested.
Nature of the blast
The blast is said to have occurred from a car bomb or truck which drove into the building following an exchange of gunfire in the area. Home Minister Zulfiqar Mirza confirmed this report. According to Ahmed Jung, 200kg of explosives were used in the blast. The police has also reportedly found hand grenades at the site of the blast.
Blast intensity
According to Express Tribune reporter Hafeez Tunio, the CID building has been flattened in the blast, while roof of nearby houses have collapsed. Windows of buildings as far as the Marriot were also shattered by the intensity. The whole colony around the blast site was also severely damaged.
Ahmed Jung reports that the blast caused a 12 to 15 feet wide crater in the ground at the entrance of the building, while 16 to 20 nearby houses were heavily damaged.
Express News Correspondent Nadeem Khan reports the intensity of the explosion was such that it was heard for many kilometers around and nearby buildings have been damaged. According to officials the blast intensity was the highest to have been witnessed in Karachi in recent years.
Site of blast
The explosion took place in a central, highly sensitive area of Karachi. Aside from the PIDC building, there is also the Chief Minister House, Governor House, Pearl Continental Hotel and Sheraton hotel in the area.
Official Statements
Former CPLC Chief Jameel Yousuf said that the aim of the explosion could have been to rescue terror suspects who were were being kept in the building. He added that the injured who are being taken to the hospitals could have those suspects within them and security at the hospitals should be aware of this as their accomplices could try to rescue them from there as well.
Renowned social worker Abdul Sattar Edhi, who was present at Jinnah Hospital said this attack was not the work of a human being or a Muslim. He said that terrorists are roaming around Karachi, and we do not know what their aim is.
CPLC Chief Ahmed Chani said that if a terrorist comes on a mission, he is fully prepared to give his life adding that there is need for pre-emptive measures and information gathering on people who enter the city. He said that this building was a softest target for the terrorists in the area.
Sindh Information Minister Sharmila Farooqui said that the government is not fully equipped to combat such incidents. The government is working on intelligence sharing. She said that the government needs funds to fully equip the police.
She said that she calls upon everyone to give strength to the government, the police and the army to combat terrorism adding that we are in a state of war and everybody is vulnerable.
Tweets about the explosion
husainhaqqani Terrorists have attacked R cities & R citizens 4 many years, long before 9/11, motivated by extremist ideology. Denial must end
husainhaqqani Pakistanis must unite 2 confront apologists 4 extremism: The victims R ours. Terrorists R our enemies. Ths is R war
MahwashB @BarackObama Bring back dead Pakistanis. Including the 40 from today. You aren't fighting this war. We are. #Karachi#Pakistan
marvisirmed Karachi, you have to recognize the enemy. All political forces better remain united against these beasts. Hit them back with unity.
sundastahir May god forgive us our transgressions, our own killing our own. An ode to the fallen in Karachi... I pray for Karachitonight :'(
FarrukhSiddiqui Dozens of motorcycles destroyed and windows were shattered up to 2 km away. #Karachi Blast
Eshal_ My 2 yr old niece came to me & said "bomb phat gaya bomb"!!! Kids deserve an innocent childhood FREE OF BOMBS!
salmajafri This is big: houses, bldgs collapsed. blast heard till end of #karachi phase 8 :( husband gone to put petrol#kneejerkreaction
fahadfaruqui Another blast in Karachi. What a nightmare! Tired of family calling me to check my whereabouts. #LifeInPakistan
mshafiquk Strong condemnation of the terrorist attack near Chief Minister House in #Karachi, thoughts with victims and family#pakistan
beenasarwar: #Bomb exploded at CID center where Laskhar-e-Jhangvi member arrested yesterday in#Karachi was held #Pakistan
DrUmairAli just see how strong the terrorists are in pakistan....shame on our govt.....law enforcement....army.....#Karachi bomb
fariZafar Somebody rightly said it: "We don't live in Karachi. We survive in Karachi." #Karachi #Blast
UmairMohsin I don't care much for the police but today really feel for them #Karachi #blast. All that carnage and loss of human life...
beenasarwar People at #Karachi Gymkhana report that Gymkhana windows were shattered #Karachi v @discomaulvi/Prob'ly all windows nearby #blast
fariZafar 30 injured/obliterated bodies have been brought to Jinnah hospital first up. #Blast #Karachi
MirMAli it looks like the Taliban have strengthen their roots in karachi.
faisaljamkhan: This sound of blast which people heard tonight in Karachi is heard n suffered by people of Waziratan every night
Rezhasan blast in Karachi targets office of CID, which had recently arrested several Lashkar-e-Jhangvi militants
thekarachikid I live in defence and our windows rattled. #karachi
raghuduttc Have they blamed RAW yet ?RT @pragmatic_d: RT @Rezhasan: blast in Karachi apparently at a police building triggers panic in streets
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