Flogging video controversy

April 19, 2010
Flogging video controversy

LONDON: This is with reference to Awab Alvi’s flogging piece. First, the tape wasn’t fake. Even the Swat Taliban spokesperson, Muslim Khan, in an interview with a leading TV channel, admitted that the Taliban were responsible. The report that Mr Alvi mentioned was published, albeit in a national newspaper, but without a byline and was based on anonymous sources. Secondly, I have to say that column seems to be based on hearsay and I say this because no concrete evidence has been presented that the video was fake but this rightwing myth is still being propagated.


Tanzeel | 14 years ago | Reply Spare Awab. Move on!
Z ali | 14 years ago | Reply I would say that its duty of media that before boradcating any video/news,they must make sure that material which is going on air is authantic or not. The race of breaking news some times gives bad impact to any nation on such issues and they on air it without any proof. Please be practical and responsible because media shows Pakistan picture to the world. I have never seen any news or any artical in any media which shows 1% good steps of any govt at any level rather is see and read negative news. Plz try to give attention to tiny achivements also.
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