Quds day: Religious parties speak with one voice against Israel

Rallies taken out to condemn killing of more than 800 Palestinians.

Quds day: Religious parties speak with one voice against Israel


Several religious parties on Friday organised protest rallies against Israeli aggression in Gaza claiming lives of more than 800 Palestinians.

The Imamia Students Organisation (ISO) and the Majlis Wahdat-i-Muslimeen took out rallies on The Mall on Jumatul Wida – the last Friday of Ramazan.

The protesters carried flags and banners inscribed with quotations in favour of Palestine. They shouted slogans against the US and Israel.

Protesters rallied on The Mall on Friday to express solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza. PHOTO: SHAFIQ MALIK/EXPRESS

The Jamaat-i-Islami (JI) observed the day as Youm-i-Azm (day of resolve) to express solidarity with the Palestinians.

JI ameer Sirajul Haq addressed a party rally near Mansoora on Multan Road. He called upon the United Nations to declare Israel a terrorist state for its ongoing offensive in Gaza. He demanded that the UN membership of Israel be cancelled for rejecting more than 70 UN resolutions for peace.

The JI leader urged the Organisation of the Islamic Conference to convene a meeting of Muslim leaders and announce a jihad against Israel. He said a combined military force of the Muslim world should be formed to defend Palestine.

He called upon Arab countries to withdraw their wealth from the US banks. “They should use oil as a weapon emulating the late King Faisal’s example to compel the West into reviewing its anti-Islam policies.”

Haq said the Muslim world should not give up its demand for the independence of Al Quds. The JI chief said Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif should take a bold stance against Israel. He criticised Sharif for leaving the country in difficult times.“The government’s decision of observing a day of mourning to sympathise with the Palestinians is a good move, but how long will the nuclear-armed Pakistan remain indifferent to such sensitive issues?” He said Pakistanis stood with Palestine.

Jamaatud Dawa leader Hafiz Saeed addressed a rally at Chauburji Chowk.

He called upon Muslims to break the silence and get united to save the innocent people of Gaza. “Jihad has become compulsory in the wake of mounting death toll of Muslims in Gaza,” he said.

Saeed said the US, Israel and India were the biggest enemies of Muslims. He said Muslims around the world should provide financial assistance to Palestine.

He appealed to people to join hands with Jaamatud Dawa to provide food to the people of Gaza. He said Sharif should have taken steps to show solidarity with Palestinians and not just announce protest. Saeed said there should be a Muslim Union on the pattern of European Union to protect the rights of Muslims. He said just as the US had failed in Afghanistan, Israel would fail in Gaza.

Published in The Express Tribune, July 26th, 2014.


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