Government unveils Independence Day plans

Pakistan Railways will run special train throughout the month of August, says Railways Minister Saad Rafique

Qamar Zaman July 24, 2014
Government unveils Independence Day plans

ISLAMABAD: The government of Pakistan unveiled on Thursday a 30-day plan to mark the country's 68th Independence Day.

The ceremonies will commence on August 1 with Friday prayers and conclude with a march-past and fly-past in front of Parliament House on the night of August 13, revealed Railways Minister Saad Rafique.

Addressing a press conference in Islamabad, Rafique went on to add that there would be a 21-gun salute and special prayers for the country on the morning of August 14.

Further, he added, a national flag hoisting ceremony will be held either at the Convention Centre or at the Presidency and there will be azadi walks in different cities of the country.

During these 30 days, the minister said, all parliamentarians will be asked to visit the graves of martyrs in their respective areas and meet their families to express solidarity.

Sports activities will also be held throughout the country as well as national mushaira, debating contests, national conference on ‘Quaid’s concept of Pakistan’, and a youth conference to be coordinated by Minister for Planning and Development, Ahsan Iqbal. Competitions will also be held at schools, colleges and universities.

Additionally, similar ceremonies and events will be organised outside Pakistan through diplomatic missions.

The government also announced that Pakistan Railways will run a special independence train throughout the month of August.

"The azadi train will begin its journey from Peshawar on August 11 and after covering a distance of 4000 kilometers will reach Karachi on September 11,” said Rafique.

To highlight the freedom movement and sacrifices of the armed forces, two compartments of the train will be allocated to Inter-Services Public Relations. While, one compartment will be allocated to Pakistan Railways to highlight the history of Pakistan and another to the Ministry of Information.

The train will consist of six floats representing the culture of the four provinces, Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir. Rafique further added that governors and foreign diplomats will visit the train and puppet shows will also be held on it.

Rafique invited all political parties to attend the ceremony. However, when asked whether Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) -- which is planning a 'decisive' long march to capital on August 14 -- would also be invited,  the minister skillfully dodged the question.

PTI chairman Imran Khan during his rally in Bahawalpur on July 27 warned the government that if his four demands were not met within a month, there will be a tsunami march on August 14, Independence Day, in Islamabad.

Replying to a question whether the credit for the extensive ceremonies for Independence Day goes to PTI or the government, the minister said. “I do not want to talk about PTI on this occasion.”

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif had constituted a committee to finalise Independence Day celebrations under the leadership of Rafique. The committee also included Information Minister Pervaiz Rashid, Inter-Provincial Coordination Minister Riaz Hussain Pirzada, Minister of State for Petroleum and Natural resources Jam Kamal Khan and Special Assistant to the Prime Minister Irfan Siddiqui.


KK Kool | 10 years ago | Reply

Khawaja Saad Rafique please let the public know to which account these political spendings will be charged????? We are bleeding and you are celebrating. Shame on you who does not feel ashamed of convening a press conference. Shame on to those journalists who attended this press conference and neither asked the honourable minister nor protested the spendings. We, as a nation, at this point of time cannot afford such political ventures when dangers are looming next door in every direction. These insane leaders do not have vision to foresee and lead the nation out of lurking dangers. I can only pray to Allah to correct their true north and if not replace them with people who have moral courage and integrity to lead the nation. May Allah also give us vision to elect our leaders to our best national interest. I remember everyone protested PPP cultural celebrations in Sindh while kids died in Thar. Where are those so call pain feelers now. Don't they see what is going on now and why it is going on?

LHR | 10 years ago | Reply

What a great way to celebrate Independence. Start with special prayers on Friday, hoist flags on houses and cars, showing solidarity with IDPs and Pak Army carrying out operation, arranging sports programmes for youth etc etc

I hope this will provide the nation with badly needed unity, shun hatred and help take Pakistan towards prosperity with hard work and compared to complaining, agitating and rona dhona all the time.

Long Live Pakistan

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