Welcome to the Israel Defense Forces, where the brutal meets the biblical. As codenames for its military manoeuvres suggest, the State of Israel has been in a vendetta kind of mood. Tel Aviv calls this latest offensive ‘Protective Edge’, as in protection from Hamas rocket fire.
A fair fight, Israel versus Hamas. We’ve been here before: the Middle East’s most ferocious fighting force taking on sad and bad rocketeers — the Israeli Defense Forces against Improvised Flying Tubes. We’re told this is the Biggest Operation since the Last Big Operation, a frenzy of white lies and white phosphorous that killed 1,400 Palestinians, outweighed, of course, by 13 Israelis.
The latest death toll is about as skewed — this is Gaza after all. Operation Protective Edge has murdered 150 Palestinians and counting. A staggering 70 per cent are civilian, says the UN, of which another 30 per cent are children. On the other hand, Hamas rockets have thus far caused ‘mental and spiritual anguish’ to the locals.
Even the Israeli spin machine can’t sell it. May we look to the independent press for the truth instead?
Not exactly. Balancing the picture is the BBC, with such headlines as ‘Israel under renewed Hamas attack’. As a former BBC staffer once put, it would seem all animals are equal, but that some animals are more equal than others. It would also seem Orwell’s honesty died with him.
And speaking of honesty’s slow and painful death, Binyamin Netanyahu is everywhere at all times, the same old sound bites at hand. ‘No country on earth would remain passive in the face of rockets fired on its cities,’ shrugs Tricky Bibi.
‘Well yes,’ replied journalist Robert Fisk, ‘but we Brits don’t have more than a million former inhabitants of the UK cooped up in refugee camps over a few square miles around Hastings.’ Bibi wasn’t listening.
Because the beauty of the Israel-Palestine ‘conflict’ is exactly that — a ‘conflict’ between two sides, entertaining ideas of symmetric warfare that do not exist. What human rights groups call ‘culling’, Fox News calls ‘clashes’.
But wait, there’s all that Arab unrest; armed militias robbing banks and claiming caliphates. Mightn’t one of them turn their guns on Israeli Apaches than the ‘apostates’ at home? Behold ISIS even, the same desperadoes that massacre Shias and crucify Sunnis — that vow to wrest away Rome from Frankish Europe. Who better to take on Binyamin than the guys harder than Hamas?
As it turns out, they’re not hard at all. ‘God has not ordered us to engage in jihad against Israel,’ says an ISIS man. Another says they prefer focusing on ‘infidels’ and ‘idolaters’ for the time being. Best to bomb shrines and ban trousers, the Islamic State deems.
And how could they not? The DNA of ISIS is the DNA of fasaad: Arabic for the spread of disharmony within the Muslim community, never without. Thus ISIS joins the rest of our schismatics — from the Khwarij in Arabia to the Assassins in Persia, from Boko Haram in Africa to the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan in North Waziristan — maiming Muslims and little else.
We have good old gutlessness to thank for that, famous among extremists our side of the world. Shoot little girls, pardon Israeli gunships.
Which brings us back to the inevitable: the State of Israel pounds Gaza, the Americans cheer them on, and the Arabs shake their fists — at Iran. It was never about peace, because it was always about land. And it’s about leaders from Ehud to Avigdor eating as much of it as they can. So what’s different?
Everything, if the trends hold steady.
Because the biggest threat to Israel might be Israel itself, even with all its Jericho missiles and Iron Domes: a sacred temple that rots from within.
Aready, the demons Israel fights are its own. ‘Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel’s creation,’ said academic Avner Cohen, a creation meant to counter Yasser Arafat’s boys in Fatah. And just as Israel nursed Hamas to health, it was General Sharon that fathered Hezbollah; by massacring Lebanese women and children in the ’80s.
And unchallenged by the outside world, Israel’s violence is growing vulgar. It was Sharon himself that realised the dream of Greater Israel was a nightmare: ‘If we insist on fulfilling the dream in its entirety, we are liable to lose it all.’
Because a maximal dream draws maximal supporters. Today’s Israeli youth are more right-wing than at any time in history, spanning Netanyahu’s right-wing Likud Party to Liberman’s hard-right Yisrael Beiteinu to the finally crazy Jewish Home.
But as Tel Aviv grows uglier, support for its aggression among America’s intellectual elite grows less unconditional — if at a snail’s pace. From Noam Chomsky’s potent boycott to Barack Obama’s impotent anger, criticism of Israeli policy no longer banishes Americans from polite society.
It was, in fact, Boston-born Max Blumenthal, author of Goliath — Greater Israel’s most comprehensive critique — that suggested solutions, ‘I think it’s up to progressive activists within the Democratic Party who are disgusted with the status quo, and want to take concrete action against a system that is clearly based on apartheid, to start cultivating candidates.’
To be sure, it will be Washington’s liberals that will make a difference, long before any of our Gulf kings. But down below, in the war for hearts and minds, Israel is losing fast. Any child with an Internet connection can access Israeli selfies screaming ‘Death to Arabs’ (among variants less printable). And like the selfies its teenagers take, the State of Israel is growing racist, deluded, and doomed to fail.
History at its cruellest, perhaps. ‘The world was wrong to think that Nazism was defeated in 1945,’ said Dr Haidar Eid. ‘Nazism has won because it has finally managed to Nazify the consciousness of its own victims.’ A conclusion we could learn from.
‘Be careful when you fight the monsters,’ said Nietzsche, ‘lest you become one.’
Published in The Express Tribune, July 15th, 2014.
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@Rex Minor: There you go again writing lengthy posts without permission. No wonder you don't complete your school work.
Muslims around the world have taken to the streets and social media to protest Israel’s Operation Protective Edge, that has resulted in the deaths of nearly 200 Palestinians. Undoubtedly the death of 200 Arabs, many of them civilian women and children, is tragic and worthy of condemnation. However, just next door to Israel almost 200,000 Arabs have been killed by fellow Arabs in Syria, but that tragedy has triggered no public demonstrations of anger in Islamic capitals
A really well thought out and well written article. The only tragedy is that while the wheels of time slowly turn against Israel the Palestinians continue to die and suffer.
@Reality: Dear Reality, You had it partially correct. All wars have been fought for economic reasons of one sort or another, but horses and swords have merely been replaced by computers, tanks and aircraft.
Actually, the Indians who come here to comment have mostly only one purpose as was pointed out by a commentator above: to somehow 'prove' that Pakistan and Muslims are all evil, consumed by all the ills that exist in this universe.
They also want to 'prove' that India is the best country in the world. It is not difficult to see through the sophistry they employ here and the dual standards of analysis that are reserved for different nationalities and religions, and people as well (particularly Modi and his ilk).
This could be dismissed as funny but over a period of time, the increasing number of such comments has started to appear nauseatingly self-righteous and bigoted. ET needs to reconsider its moderation policy.
ET is read by more Indians than Pakistanis. It is so apparent. Check @Reddy and the number of recommendations. Pakistanis should switch over to a better newspaper. I have unsubscribed my print edition of ET.
Israel should not attack Palestinians and we should not attack the Taliban. Let stop being hypocrites.
@ Syed Jalal Kashmiri The time when people rode on horses with a sword is over. Now the war is fought on Economic and Diplomatic front. Sooner the Pakistanis realize this fact the better.
Indian occupation created Lashkar e Tayyaba, Jaish Muhammad, Hurriyet Conference, Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front. You cannot blame Pakistan naturally supporting Muslim self-rule in Kashmir, and an end to Indian rule by force.
Israel will create more enemies, just as India is doing. Occupiers will be defeated and freedom will come for all the world's Muslim people living under oppression of outside powers.
We Kashmiris are fed up with India. Pro-Pakistan sentiment is pervasive here.
if i slap a seven footer WWE type Hulk,and he returns the favor by breaking half a dozen of my bones,can i accuse him of using disproportionate force ?just thinking.
@F Khan: Your point was confirmed by Golda Meyer that after holocaust the world should not criticise Israelis actions against Palestinians!!
Rex Minor
...the number of Indians and equally hilarious and completely counter-productive self-hating Pakistanis on this website is increasingly worrying
I picked up few interesting points.
1>"Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel’s creation" -- propaganda and conspiracy theories find space among this community through out the world .
2>"Today’s Israeli youth are more right-wing than at any time in history" --Yes , because they are minorities in Middle east . But can we compare their extremism with Islamic extremism ?
Now someone should come up and say "3 Jewish teens were murdered by Israel itself . In 26/11 Mumbai attack , Hindus attacked Jewish residents and killed them ".
Israel might had looked the other way when Hamas was in the making but the corrupt PLO leadership which had nothing to offer to Palestinians is the main cause of Hamas' strength. Not to mention that their leaders suffers with the people, from among them and are down to earth in their demeanor. From Yassin to Rantisi to Mashal to Hania they carry charisma and influence love among masses.
"Israel is an illegal state, it will return to where it came from………nothingness."
So is Pakistan. Illegal state formed by the invaders from Deserts. Leave our land and go back to the deserts you came from.
@someone: Dispropotionate force in the case of Pakistan-Taliban?? Taliban are are not getting their arms and ammo by exploring caves of Afghanistan. They are mercenaries who are fighting a proxy war for their backers.
Israel is an illegal state, it will return to where it came from.........nothingness. (Indian comments are becoming funny now as they draw parallels to Pakistan for every ill in the world !!!)
Balanced use of force? Like operation searchlight? Operation ZarbeAzb?
Pure and brilliant.
Brilliant as usual!
Whenever you create a nation for a specific group of people, you will undoubtedly have problems.
We see the problems in both Israel and Pakistan and it's going to get much worse.
Well said. It has been the great burden of North American and Western European liberalism to support a racist, xenophobic country with all their might and money. A frustrating case of a guilty conscience refusing to see eye-to-eye with the reality of a state that is becoming crazier by the day. Israel's undoing will by quick and internal if it doesn't make peace, secure it's borders within the pre-1967 boundaries, and enable Palestinians to live in peace and with respect in their own country.
This completely makes sense, in fact explains a lot about the terrorist outfits like ISIS. They are paving the way for Israel to acquire future land, when its not part of Iraq or Syria and an independent terrorist's state then its free to take.
To the writer of this article: Please don't try to overtake Shakespeare`s English, we know you have a lot of vocabulary in your backyard, but after all this is not a grammatical competition. We do read articles in Nytimes and Wpost, they are fun to read, so make yours simplified.
Very right, every word of it.There should be a 'balanced response' even if the Hamas is firing rockets.One cannot justify 'killing ants with machine guns'.It looks like Israel is doing with Arabs what Hitler did with the Jews.I hope the Israelis remember what happened with Hitler in the end.
Acctually author is right. Israel created hamas,just like pakistan created haqqanis,taliban,lashkar,Haffez saeed etc.So basically speaking the creators will eat masters.Hope pakistan understands it too.
I wonder if author has the same view on use of "disproportionate" force by Pakistan army on Taliban.