Lack of courts to blame for delays: CJ

Express April 16, 2010

ISLAMABAD: Chief justice of Pakistan Iftikhar Muhammad Chauhdhry termed the curb on judiciary in 2007 as an unprecedented setback.

Addressing the national judicial conference in Islamabad the Chief Justice said that an independent judicial system is crucial for democracy. He cited lack of court rooms and judicial staff as a reason for delay in the disposal of cases.

Iftikhar Muhammad further stated that judiciary plays a pivotal role in providing justice to the masses adding that article 2-A guarantees the independence of the judiciary.


s ashar | 14 years ago | Reply 8, OBTAIN MONTHLY STATEMENTS OF PENDING APPLICATIONS FOR F I R and reasons for not lodgement.(dig) 9. monthly checking by no less than DIG OF EVERY POLICE STATION, WITHOUT prior announcements CHECK THE CELLS, where w/o FIR s people have been put behind bars (DIG) 10.Check the status of investigations of all pending FIRs,(DIG) 11. keep a tab on the usual complainants, and usual area criminals 12 revival of plains clothes CID personnel, and keep their identity undisclosed. 13 periodical training to staff 14. monthly meetings with seniors for recommendations and complaints. more to follow
s ashar | 14 years ago | Reply HALF THE NUMBER OF CASES IN COURTS CAN BE REDUCED IF FOLLOWOING DONE' 1. CHECK THE ACADEMIC QUALIFICATION PAPERS OF THE POLICE and publish their names.and get their clearence from prision records 2. computerize the police stations. 3. list all firs on web 4, computerize the applications for firs 5 computerize the criminal records with names of criminals so involved and their esentencs, 6.Refusal and continous refusal to lodge fir, should be backed by written replies to all correspondence. 4. no policitical appointments and promotions, henceforth. THE ENTIRE DELAYS AND LETHARGIC ATTITUDE F TE POLICE HAS MADE THE COURTS WORK MORE AND MORE CSSES FOR NO FAULT OF THE COURTS. MORE TO FOLLOW
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