Sikh pilgrims arrive in Lahore by bus after Indian govt deems train unsafe

Pakistan had sent special train to India to facilitate the Sikh pilgrims.

Web Desk June 08, 2014
Express News screengrab of Sikh pilgrims after they arrived in Lahore.

LAHORE: Off to a bumpy start at first, around 1,000 Sikh pilgrims made their way to Pakistan from India by bus, Express News reported on Sunday.

Earlier in the day, Pakistan had sent a special train to India to bring the pilgrims across the border, however, the Indian government had refused to send its citizens via train citing security concerns.

Sources had said that this decision was taken fearing that trains might be targeted by terrorists.

Express News screengrab of the vehicles transporting the Sikh pilgrims to Lahore.

According to earlier reports, the pilgrims were told about the security issue and asked to make their way to the border on foot.

Speaking to media in Lahore, a Sikh representative said that they have come to Pakistan to observe their religious ceremonies.

"We are warmly welcomed in Pakistan," he stated, adding that neither the Indian nor the Pakistani government was at fault for the delay in their arrival to Wagah border.

"It was a misunderstanding," he said.

Advising Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi to work together, the representative said that this would promote development and peace in both countries.

Sikh pilgrims journey to Pakistan annually to celebrate their religious festivals and both governments facilitate them in their pilgrimage.


Hozur | 10 years ago | Reply

For now the Sikhs have some holy sites to visit but for how long before they are changed into something else as has happened to the religious centers of minorities.

anshul | 10 years ago | Reply

Indian govt said trains r not safe in pakistan but now add flights also in d lists or should better say pakistan is not safe at all

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