Threat to schools: Protesters take to the streets in Panjgur

Protest against the attacks on private schools which remained closed for the fifth consecutive day.

Students march in Turbat against threat to education. PHOTO: SHEZAD BALOCH/ EXPRESS


Thousands of people took to the streets in Panjgur on Monday to protest against the attacks on private schools which remained closed for the fifth consecutive day.

More than four thousand people were estimated to have joined in demonstrations—including women, children, teachers and activists of Balochistan National Party (BNP-Mengal) and BNP-Awami.

The protesters were carrying placards inscribed with slogans in support of their demands, primarily seeking security for the private schools.

Earlier this month, a little known armed group, Tanzeem-ul-Islam-ul-Furqan (TIF), had warned all private schools imparting co-education and Western-style learning to immediately shut down.

Angry demonstrators raised slogans against the terrorist group and criticised law enforcement agencies for their failure to arrest the perpetrators.  The crowd marched through the streets of Panjgur and staged a sit-in protest in front of the Deputy Commissioner Office Panjgur.

The protesters called on the chief minister to ensure adequate protection to the people in Panjgur.

Published in The Express Tribune, May 20th, 2014.


whitesky | 10 years ago | Reply

protest in the street by the common persons will help change the mindset.- impressive protests.

Raj - USA | 10 years ago | Reply

This is very impressive. A sizable crowd and that too mainly young girls and woman.

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