Desecrated: Imambargah blown up in Mansehra

Shia community led by Allama Riaz Kazmi, protested in front of Mansehra Press Club after the incident.

Our Correspondent May 13, 2014
Police quoted Syed Mubarak Hussain Shah of Kund Sydan Bafa saying he was asleep at home when he woke up to the sound of an explosion outside his residence. PHOTO: INP


Unidentified miscreants blew up an imambargah in Bafa village of Mansehra, police said on Tuesday.

Police quoted Syed Mubarak Hussain Shah of Kund Sydan Bafa saying he was asleep at home when he woke up to the sound of an explosion outside his residence. When he came out, Shah said he saw that Masjid Ameerul Momineen Hazrat Ali (AS), which is at a stone’s throw from his house, was completely destroyed.

According to the complainant, no one was inside the mosque at the time and so no loss of life was reported. He added the mosque was built in 2005 for the area’s Shia community and consisted mainly of a big hall.

DPO Khurram Rasheed confirmed the incident, saying the miscreants used explosives weighing three kilogrammes, which brought down the concrete roof and walls of the structure. Rasheed added the culprits entered the mosque by breaking the locks and planted the explosives inside.

Meanwhile, the Shia community led by Allama Riaz Kazmi, protested in front of Mansehra Press Club.

Published in The Express Tribune, May 14th, 2014.


shahryar | 10 years ago | Reply

There is no issue between the shias snd sunnis in pakistan, this is all happening because of some ban outfits which are working freely in pakistan, which are creating troubles.

Naeem Khan | 10 years ago | Reply

Sunnis and Shias have been living together in this society very peacefully since ages. However, something went wrong during the past three decades. Unfortunate.

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