KC students tell principal to quit

Abdul Manan April 15, 2010
KC students tell principal to quit

LAHORE: Kinnaird College students and teachers protested outside the administrative block urging the principal to immediately resign as directed by the committee formed by the Higher education department (HED).

While two teachers participating in the protest went silent on questioning, the administrative official alleged that the faculty members are conspiring with HED committee to get the principal to resign in order to avenge her for repatriating three contractual and four permanent teachers earlier this year. However the teachers were reappointed on directives of the HED later.

A student well acquainted with the administrative politics at KC disclosed that the reinstated teachers have taken other faculty staff in to confidence and are conspiring along with Kinnaird’s board of governors and hence, are aiding the HED fabricate evidence in order to get rid of Principal Dr Bernadette L Dean.

On conditions of anonymity, she went on to say that the principal is friendly and tending to their problems while the on-going protests are just to derive negative sentiments towards her. On contacting, KC principal Dr Deans refuted the allegations saying that she was told that the HED has only recommended removing the KC registrar Dr Naima Khursheed and vice principal Dr Khan as the former did not qualify the prerequisites for the position while DR Khan has other allegations against her.

Later, KC’s board of governors (committee to probe administrative matters) proposed her name to the HED for suspension after fabricating evidence to reason the proposition. She further stated that I refuse to sack the vice principal in spite having the authority because she is backed by the HED and the faculty members who are now staging this protest hence extending propaganda against me.

Reportedly, the KC conspiracy brewed over the last three months when Dr Bernette sacked seven teachers including college’s registrar on Dec 5. She later hired Dr Naima Khursheed as the registrar in January who after constant protests and KC’s BOG’s investigation was suspended for not not being on merit while the HED reinstated the seven sacked teachers.

While bachelors and intermediate students along with the faculty members are at loggerheads with college administration, the masters students are content with their efforts. Talking to express tribune, a mass communication student said it is undeniable that the old administration was more familiar with the official workings but the new principal is very humble and friendly and is leaving no stones unturned in maintaining the academia standard, the college is known for.


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