Earlier on Thursday, Bhayo had also submitted a re-investigation report, which the court rejected. The court had directed that the report was submitted too late and against the timing set by the Sindh High Court.
Special Public Prosecutor Abdul Maroof requested the court that the police officials had submitted the re-investigation report as per the time fixed by SHC. He argued the case is still pending in the SHC.
The court adjourned the hearing of the case till January 22.
Hamza Ahmed, a 17-year-old student, was gunned down allegedly by a security guard of another teenager, Shoaib Naveed, after they got into a heated argument outside a restaurant in Defence Housing Authority on April 27, last year.
The case, FIR No 237/2013, was registered under section 302 (premeditated murder), 114 (abettor present when offence is committed) and 34 (common intention) on the complainant of deceased's father Talib Suhail at the Darksha police station.
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