Murderers walk free

The family of the two boys who were lynched in Sialkot has resorted to starving themselves to get justice.

October 11, 2010
Murderers walk free

ISLAMABAD: This is with reference to the report “The lynched brothers’ family on hunger strike” (October 6). The family of Mughees and Muneeb Butt, the two boys who were lynched by a mob in Sialkot, has resorted to starving themselves to get justice for the brutal death of their sons. It is truly appalling that the DPO was charged with negligence, whereas he should have been charged with murder. The fact that the our judicial system cannot provide justice even in such a clearcut case is further proof of its inefficiency.

Sarmad Jadoon

Published in The Express Tribune, October 12th, 2010.


fatima | 13 years ago | Reply respected editor, im bannu, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. it's amazing that we people are deprived from our rights and even we dont know the reason as well. mobile service is not working in our area since last last year. it was told that they did it coz of the on going militry poreation in our area. now it is over but still mobile service is jammed here. and its quite interesting that we have signal we soon as we leave the bannu city. and if a person goes up stairs then there are signlas as well. we cant understand this mystery. bannu is the headquarter of talabins. bannu is the the center of such activites. theer are more bomb blast in other cities as coompared to bannu. thn why we are facing this problem???? we dont know to whom we ask it??? one can understand better that use of cell phone is became very important for everyone. its our request from the responsible authroites to thaink about the matter seriously. with kind regards
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