Unsuccessful counterattack: Eight policemen, two others injured in encounter

Police party fired at during search operation to recover abducted man.

Riaz Ahmad August 24, 2013
Police reinforcements rushed to the spot but were also caught in the firing which injured another five policemen along with two civilians. A large number of police personnel from surrounding stations arrived later, but the attackers managed to flee towards Shalober, Khyber Agency with the abducted man.PHOTO: FILE.


Ten people including eight policemen were injured in an encounter with suspected kidnappers in Achini area near the border of Khyber Agency on Friday night.

Police said kidnappers based in Khyber Agency reportedly abducted a man identified as Ikramuddin from a restaurant on Ring Road and were shifting him to the tribal belt. Upon receiving information, police reached Achini and launched a search operation during which the suspects opened fire at a police party, injuring Pishtakahara SHO Behram Khan and two of his gunmen.

Police reinforcements rushed to the spot but were also caught in the firing which injured another five policemen along with two civilians. A large number of police personnel from surrounding stations arrived later, but the attackers managed to flee towards Shalober,
Khyber Agency with the abducted man.

The injured policemen have been identified as SHO Behram Khan, sub-inspector Qeemat Gul, constables Abid Ali, Naveed, Musa Khan, Rehmatullah and Waseeullah, and head constable Yasin Khan. The injured civilians are taxi driver Iqbal and Zareef Khan. They have been shifted to Hayatabad Medical Complex where the condition of constable Rehmatullah is said to be critical.

Police said Ikramuddin is a trader who recently returned from Dubai and was living in Phase 6, Hayatabad. He went to the restaurant along with his friends but was kidnapped from there by armed men. The police arrived after the restaurant’s owner informed them about the incident.

Published in The Express Tribune, August 25th, 2013.



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