Dubious decree: Clerics ‘ban’ women from shopping alone

DPO assures no such law will be passed, women police to protect females.

Saadullah Khattak July 19, 2013
This is not the first time a group of men have banned women from shopping alone. PHOTO: AFP/FILE

KARAK: A handful of clerics on Friday directed the people of Karak to not allow their women from going to the markets without being accompanied by a male family member, claiming it was ‘un-Islamic’ for females to venture out alone.

Imam of Madina Masjid Karak city Maulana Mir Zakeem, Imam of Maki Masjid Maulana Ismail, Imam of Tehsil Masjid Maulana Ziaul Islam and Imam of Kala Masjid Maulana Misbah issued the decree during Friday sermons in their respective mosques. The clerics added they have also sent an application to district government officials to consider the matter.

When contacted, Karak DPO Atiqullah Wazir confirmed a group of clerics visited his office in the morning to talk about the restriction, adding he could not meet them due to his busy schedule.

“I cannot pass such orders,” Wazir clarified, stressing no one is allowed to restrict women from shopping. He added if the clerics were concerned about the safety of women, he will deploy women police personnel in the city for their protection.

The DPO said women from other districts can also visit Karak to shop. “The police will protect you,” he said, adding though the clerics have delivered such sermons, no one can restrict women from going to bazaars.

This is not the first time a group of men have banned women from shopping alone. On July 21, 2012, DSP Sanaullah Khan, deployed at Sarai Naurang tehsil in Lakki Marwat, allegedly tried to ban women from entering local markets without male family members. A show-cause notice was later issued to the DSP after which he said he took the decision keeping in view the sanctity of Ramazan.

Published in The Express Tribune, July 20th, 2013.


maimoona khan | 11 years ago | Reply

Wow, impressive well if women are the only reason to be insecure other men or face any kind of threat ,why don't you trained male member of the society and impose such sanction or restrict them, if the male member of society respect women how, anyone else theat her and create anykind of other problems

Hasan | 11 years ago | Reply

@Tony Singh:

I would ask you, for your own sake, to avoid descending into tit-for-tat anecdotes about crimes against women vis-à-vis Hindustan and Pakistan - that incident you mention occurred several weeks ago now, and since then we were treated to yet another example of the Hindustani male mindset when a large group of men assaulted four minors, aged 12 and under, repeatedly.

You forget that this odious 'Hudood Ordinance' in Pakistan that you mention has never been exercised to incriminate any rape victims. You probably also forget that it was a Pakistani director who was recently decorated for making a ground-breaking film looking into acid attacks against women, a scourge which is seeing increasing popularity across the border nowadays. You probably also forget that Delhi has recently been dubbed the rape capital of the world, and that aside from a few affluent Brahmins, the majority of women are considered open targets for anyone who is of a sufficiently high 'caste' - so if you don't like lectures from the rest of the world, I suggest you roll your sleeves up and start cleaning the mess you've made of your society.


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