Mian Iftikhar accuses PTI of ‘staging drama’ ahead of by-polls

Hussain lashed out at the PTI, accusing it of staging such protests to conceal their failure.

Hassan Ali July 15, 2013
Hussain lashed out at the PTI, accusing it of staging such protests to conceal their failure. PHOTO: FILE


The Awami National Party (ANP) on Monday criticised the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI)-led provincial government for announcing to protest against power outages.

“The PTI announcement is nothing but a drama to gain public sympathies ahead of by-polls in the province,” said ANP provincial spokesperson Mian Iftikhar Hussain.

Addressing a press conference at the party’s provincial secretariat, Hussain lashed out at the PTI, accusing it of staging such protests to conceal their failure to end load-shedding. He said instead of protesting on streets, the PTI should have raised the issue at more appropriate platforms.

“If the provincial government sincerely wants to raise the load-shedding issue with the federal government, platforms such as the Council of Common Interests (CCI) and apex court are more suitable,” he said adding, “The chief minister must take other parties into confidence on the issue.”

Hussain alleged the Water and Power Development Authority (Wapda) has presented false statistics for the past 30 years and failed to take any measures to develop the outdated infrastructure.

The former information minister also blamed the PTI for failing to stop drone attacks and suspending Nato supplies.

It was announced at the conference that Hussain has been appointed head of the provincial election committee, which will coordinate with the district and tehsil level leadership to muster support for ANP candidates in the by-polls.

Published in The Express Tribune, July 16th, 2013.


naila dogar | 11 years ago | Reply

You had 5 years and did non of the things you are complaining about. Now its their turn if they don't deliver,then people will deal with them. Let's see what they do or don't achive by the end of their term.

kanwal | 11 years ago | Reply

lol @ PTI haters! they are here for 5 yrs. sabr se kaam len. you'll have plenty of time and occasions to criticize them.

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