In an official statement, the spokesperson reiterated that Imran's visit to UK which was on account of medical reasons, did not hinder PTI's presentation for APC as they were fully prepared.
"It is the government who is still in the process of drafting a presentation on national security policy," the statement continued.
Citing government's ill-preparedness for APC as the main reason for the delay, the spokesperson stated that PTI chairman had waited for two months for the government to call on a meeting on counter-terrorism and had already postponed an immediately needed medical trip earlier.
The spokesperson said that Imran's ill health meant that it was impossible for him to postpone his medical consultation and he had never said that he was going to postpone his UK trip.
The party leaders were told of the meeting only a few days in advance and Imran was not directly contacted at all, the party spokesperson added.
The statement said the PTI chairman could not be blamed for the delay of APC, since he had nominated party representatives to attend the conference in his absence.
The APC which was earlier scheduled to be held on July12 was postponed to ensure attendance from all political parties. A new date for the conference has yet to be finalized.
The PTI Chairman was criticized on social media for new photos of him attending a party thrown by Prince Charles.
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This event was held on July 11 (Thursday) while Ramadan started in England on July 10 (Wednesday) why is Imran Khan not even fasting? He seems to be fit enough to attend a function with a drink in his hand.
@A Pakistani: If you see Imram Khan as problem, why don't you leave him alone and enjoy your "experienced" candidates performance for yet another 5 years.
@Uza Syed: You are so right. Looking at the caliber of these two leaders that the most populated province of Pakistan has produced, one can imagine the state of leadership bankruptcy faced by the country
@Faisal: MQM bashing is not one of the tenets of Islam, so you dont have to do it religiously. This news piece has nothing to do with MQM. The Supreme court never considered MQM as a terrorist organization, pls check facts before making such comments.
We can just laugh at the burger kids trying to cover up Imran Khan's hypocrisies after hypocrisies.... First he was chanting slogans to stop drone strikes & block NATO routes but when his party came to power in KPK, he cunningly passes the buck to the Federal Government (although he used to criticise ANP for the same reasons). Then he started calling for APC but when the date for APC was announced he announced a program to visit UK for two weeks on the pretext of "treatment". But when his pictures in the gala appeared on Internet, he claims he is now perfect and walks without braces. . Imagine if PTI had won the elections and implemented the Governance system of Hazrat Umar (as claimed in the election campaign), Mr Imran Khan Niazi would have been granted punishment for drinking "water" (although the goblet is for champaign) during daytime in the holy month of Ramadan. I am sure the burger kids can never bury the later part under the rug!
Bacha log leader left Pakistan to meet with UK prince and drink.
I just fail to understand what's this brouhaha all about. Come on folks, let's face it here we got two equally dumb individuals here one in Nawaz and the other in Imran Khan, the only actual difference between them is that one is not called Twiddle Dee and the other Twiddle Dum, commonality remains and that's their dumbness.
IK has proved that he is nothing more than a professional fund raiser ,making full use of Jemima backed royal clout. Moreover he has often been critical of politicians going abroad for the treatment, but when he faced a medical problem he rushed to London for the treatment . He has proved to be small egoistic man with blurred political vision. Hypocrite par excellent.
1) If people would go look at other pictures online they can clearly tell that he has water in his hands. 2) Alcohol glasses don't look like that...especially at a royal event. 3) If PMLN doesn't have the draft ready why should IK have to delay his trip to go see his kids?
It seems as if even if IK squats a fly the media and the haters will start calling him a murder. People need to chill out!
PTI agneda point for the fotrthcoming APC ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ How to save the elephant.
APC is waste of time. PML-N should exercise the power to come up with their agenda and implement it.
Will the real Imran khan stand up?! There are always so many faces to a hypocrite........
IK is not the PM of pakistan, he is just one of the party head, why APC is being delayed for that reason, this is irrational, grow up nawaz sharif, ur the PM of pakistan, dont blame IK for your own short commings, the fact is u were not prepared for that, and when PTI has already told that they have his replacement for the APC, then there's no excuse for you to delay APC,
and for all those who are criticising IK for this party, He is the only one worthy of that, the only man from pakistan who is respected out side of pakistan.
Basically Imran will never attend APC as otherwise in next election whom he will blame for failures in KPK
@Sadia: LOL, great comment.
if people can read the first comment made by Hamza, i think all will be clear
All the people here criticizing IK for being seen hobnobing with Royalty and basically laughing and enjoying himself would not hesitate for a second if they were ever given such an oppurtunity. Sour grapes!! Let him be for God sake!! It's no sin to be seen happy in the company of Prince Charles and even look better than him !! Get a life folks!!
can some one please shed light about what the event he is attending, and what it is in his hand? i hope coca cola- not pakola
One does not simply drop-in to hobnob and rub shoulders with royalties without any appointment, invitation or prior planning. Living and schmoozing with the richest people in the world in cool weather is not bad for some time off. IK’s kids could not come to see their father even during the long summer vacations. They do not want to come to Pakistan even to see their father after a severe injury, yet IK is living with his ex-wife in her mansion! First the kid’s excuse and then medical checkup! With audio video and Internet each and every test report can be sent to any place in the world. Even the doctors in London would not examine IK like the old hakim but rely on the test results whether done in Pakistan or the UK. The two great leaders of Pakistan are close to Saudi Royal family and British royalties. The country needs people like Edhi and not those hobnobbing with royalties and richest people in the world.
@Adnan Siddiqi: ha are you kidding? Imran is known to have a very good rapport with the elite circles of England's hierarchy and was most probably sent a personal invitation to attend the event. If you had done any research on how well connected this man is you wouldn't be thinking he is a "free loader". I know maligning IK is essential for the survival of some of your haters but please at least come up with more solid criticism.
I like Imran Khan, I think he's a decent person, but I do question his judgement when he goes to the UK during Ramzan, and is not even fasting, possibly consuming alcohol, and on top of that, attends a bow & tie event with a bunch of Free Masons, who are by no means PAK friendly. Imran Khan is good, but he needs serious guidance on how to portray himself.
It's funny, my friends and I bet that PTI will be forgotten in the next 5 years....looks like it may happen a lot sooner....... RIP PTI and Imran Taliban Khan.
OMG, is he really at that event? Shame on you Imran Khan, I can't even believe it.
Imran’s ill health meant that it was impossible for him to postpone his medical consultation and he had never said that he was going to postpone his UK trip.
And today Zardari left for UAE & London (he will return for Eid and then go back to London) Doesn't look like there's much of a difference after all.
nayapakistan@Salman, if you take some time and read the past one week's all newspapers, you will know the date of APC i.e July 12. Khan's presence in Pakistan would have put pressure on the government to not delay this meeting. There is also a Khan's statement on record that he will not go abroad for treatment (you will find it on the internet news websites). KP is the most affected province of terrorism. Without Khan's participation, this meet will be a hi, bye, shaye....
Why isn't this burger fasting like most Muslims?
Is he fasting or not because he is ill
One would only need to glance through the financials of SKMH of next year and it could certainly be deduced that the invitation to this gala was paid for by SKMH. However, I wouldn't discount the riches of Goldsmiths here.
Such black tie events are not open to free loaders, even if one happens to be a wannabe PM of Pakistan. Question for trolls and sheep herd followers of Imrani Cult - how much did IK pay to grace this event and how did he afford it?
@Usman: Yes he is fit enough to attend if some one invites him for a good cause but Pakistan Govt is not yet drafted any paper on which this APC is going to take place .I think you do not know how a proper meeting in an organisation takes place and PMLN has already accepted they are not yet prepared.
Ill Health, but not so ill to attend a Royale Party. (It is said that it was charity party, and paid-invitation ( asdonations). Any guess how much kaptan paid? and how?
IK, PTI still not believe, that they lost the Election How much more live in fool paradise
All the people criticizing Imran are basically jealous that he can go to England and sip champagne with Royalty and llook like James Bond in that Tuxedo.
Anusha Rehman throws Quaid-e-Azam's portrait in her Min. of I.T.
thats what PPP did, same thing different face !
Sher aaya Pakistan khaya !!
At least he looks good attending the party. None of these other guys would even be worthy of a party thrown by Royals. He went there for medical reasons and it doesn't mean that he has to stay in one room throughout his trip. This shows he is a likable even abroad.
@Shahzad & Salman:
yes we are shouting because haathis didn't risked their lives to vote IK..... enough of lame excuses, is this the tabdeeli everyone was advocating prior to may 11th? can Hashmi or Khattak really replace his charisma or vision....
Tsunamian's: Keep calm and enjoy the royal drink to save haathi...
@Shirmeen: Why MQM? To get your share of the £400,000 they have recovered from AH's house? Lolz
@Shirmeen: Didnt take you long to realize, yes go back to MQM, the only genuine political party
@No hypocrites: I hope I'm wrong but do you think any glass held by anyone contains alcohol?
So what was more important for Imran Khan - APC to Save Human lives or to save Elephants? One need not be a genius to figure that out by looking at above picture. Now spin masters are spinning and telling what you see in the picture is not true. Also, what you think is not true either! Politicians, politicians, poli......ticians - liars, liars,
Stop this...... Imran alone will solve all the problems? What about the others? He has his own personal life.come on............ he has already sacrifice his relations. PTI prepared their Draft that to be Presented in the APC, any body can do that. Hashmi and Qurashi had been nominated...... it was delayed because of the MUghal Emperors......they are not interested. the govt yet to prepared draft
Can you please tell us on which date the APC is being held and where?
Unfortunately this is what much of the sad press is saying, but haven't realized that the APC has not even been called as yet because the Govt is not yet ready to call one.
PMLN are still meeting the security agencies and haven't finalized their draft policy even as of today &
No APC has been called, because of PMLN is not ready yet?
Unfortunately, we continue to blame IK, when we didn't even elect him as the PM and even did not give him a simple majority in KPK. Very sad.
@Azmat Ali:
Please lets be honest, if only during Ramadhan...
Here are the facts: 1. PMLN are still meeting the security agencies and haven't finalized their draft policy so far. 2. No APC has been called as of now for the above reason
So please lets not make malicious insinuations. Thanks
PMLN are still meeting the security agencies and haven't finalized their draft policy even as of today.
No APC has been called, because of this fact per NS.
He has to leave because of the Elephant fund raising campaign, not for some medical treatment, look the picture does he appear in agony? Mazari please speak the truth.
Let the poor guy go. Give him a break for at least a day of the week.
Simple majority government with a bag full of ministers and Mashallah twice experienced in government cant move on a national issue without IK who doesnt even hold a freakin public office :). That is a massive LOL
PMLN are still meeting the security agencies and haven't finalized their draft policy even as of today. No APC has been called, because of this fact per NS.
So where is the problem about IK travelling?
Also, he was examined by specialists and had an MRI performed. Please try to be fair and not make false insinuations, speically during Ramadhan. Thanks
I hope I'm wrong but isn't that a glass of alcohol held by our God fearing Imran Khan?
@Aysha M:
PMLN are still meeting the security agencies and haven't finalized their draft policy even as of today. No APC has been called because of this fact per NS.
So where is the problem about IK travelling?
I guess even Ramadhan does not prevent many people, certainly not ET, from making false allegations or insinuations. Shame.
I'm done with PTI, going back to MQM or PPP.
Although i voted for PTI, but i think Imran Khan should attend this APC. He should not give the priority to the elephants over human beings. The pictures clearly shows that his condition is not as worse as Mazari is describing. His participation is vital for the national cause. Instead of giving stupid reasons, PTI should call its chairman back to Pakistan for the APC.
IK, you are not allowed to leave your house and do anything social when you are in London! You are under house arrest!
Even if Nawaz Sharif admits himself that he is not prepared for the security summit, Nooras and their media have the courage to blame IK for the delay. The fact is that Ch.Nisar did not bother to call IK directly even though he phone even Ch.Shujaat for the meeting. The sincerity on the part of the government says enough of its intentions.
@ Usman, Nadir and all those shouting about elephant party; he didn't go there to attend that party. For God's sake people, we need to change this habit of stupid criticism. Its common if an important person is in town, invitations are extended at last moment. I was all for IK to attend the APC but Mrs. Mazari's statement makes sense here. He already has seen a spine specialist and detailed tests would be carried out on monday probably.
APC number nth and counting.
Yes his party with prince and princess of UK didn't allow him to attend APC.
Imran Khan had to attend a gala to raise money for elephants. Priorities, priorities.
@shireen Mazari
Lolz @ medical reasons.... he is all fit to attend "Save the Elephant" party by Royals but unfit to attend APC
Not a time for blame game. Any genuine leader would show initiative and take responsibility to design and develop national security policy
MNS was meeting some journalist yesterday, and when they asked him that is IK the reason for the delay in APC . He said no the issue is that we dont have a proper draft on what to talk about in the APC yet .